I dont have kids myself, and likely not to have any, but I applaud your approach. It's what I call responsible parenting. Sure you can hope they don't but they're teenagers and unpredictable and that wonderful combination of stupid and hormones hit sooner or later (hell I'm in my 30s and it still happens). Better to

iPod mini 1G

Not a deal breaker if I had money to burn but I'm a bit of a new tech geek. Just looking at the pattern for new Apple products they'll have the first iteration or two, then have a significant redesign to iron out quirks/complaints and improve design issues to make it much better (look at iPad 1 -> iPad 2). They make a

if I could post a picture of it I would but wasn't there recently a statue of Spider-Man with a boner hanging off a building?

I was hoping for a blood bath with just Pam and Lala standing over the carnige cracking jokes...or a big ole happy ending. They went for mostly happy ending but they started hinting at bill becoming human and I noticed the fairy ball seemed to have some kind of heart beat look. If they wanted to go all happy they

there's always a possibility he's a vampire and there's some sperm dormer or invitro stuff going on. But still easier to leap that between her being friends with the makers of it and a friendly circle of their consumers she's just got it for her buddies

between Jessica, James, and Keith probably visiting occasionally since they're all friends, it makes sense that she would want to be a good hostess

In a perfect world, yes it would be possible. But it would require all current, non autonomous vehicles to be off the road, pedestrians and bikers to have accommodations, and ways to eliminate hacking from the system; basically all random and human interaction eliminated from traveling on road ways. Getting

The general plot of the movie wasn't exactly original. Idealistic hero discovers secret shadow govt in the secret spy agency employing him, which turns against him and he turns around and exposes and stops them. It was just well told and entertaining. You could argue the basics of the story was stolen from dozens of

Female in avengers...I'm guessing an unexpected surprise from a certain thunder god...


it's been about 15 years since I was truly active with scouting but back then god and religion was of course mentioned in the oath and law, we said grace at meals, they had Chaplin run campfires on Sundays at camp but they were pretty non demoninational and focused more just on being spiritual than a specific

Oh, I'm not saying to force them into scouting. If they don't want to take part in it then it shouldn't be forced upon them. My point was if they are expressing a desire to join, don't let fears of overly religious views or bigotry keep you from letting them take part, and that many troops out there are more than

I'm an atheist. And gay. And an Eagle Scout. While, yes there are those element of policy and politics in the bowels of the organization, not all troops and branches of scouting. If I had sons I would hope and encourage them to join and try and find a troop that shares my values in those areas. There are many that

Though I seriously doubt it would ever happen, I was hoping that it would serve as an announcement that Marvel/Disney has bought the rights to Firefly, that its considered part of the Marvel universe now, and MCU phase 3 will have a new big budget Firefly/Serenity movie. Unfortunately I see that as very unlikely but

Isn't Felicity Smoak a supporting character in the Firestorm stories? I think she's married to Firestorm's dad in the comics? Future relationship development?

I REALLY hope B and not A. I doubt it's A but could be wrong. Most likely kinda B. Thinking it's gonna be a fun movie, but it's about obscure characters outside of hardcore comic fans, and marketing is in overdrive to make sure everyone knows about it and is at least curious about it.

two lines it needed:

Have you seen how we handle gun violence?