Thankfully he's out of congress next session. He gave up running for his House seat that he currently has to try and run in the GOP primary for the open Senate seat and lost in the primary. So not on the Senate ballot. Not on the House ballot. Unless he gets a lot of write-ins or something nuts he's gone for at

wait is this a preview of a game or of season 3?

I'm not a scientist but I'd suspect its a combination that nothing is stationary and there are more forces outside of the nursery affecting it than from inside. Everything is rotating around a gravity well that is itself moving extremely fast. Hell the planet earth is moving pretty fast around the sun, which is moving

From what I'm reading, they focused on an entirely too young demographic. I wonder if they took young justice, beware the batman, and green lantern, stopped worrying about kids and toys, and moved them to a more adult focused place, they would do well. Air it with Batman Animated Series, Superman, Justice League,

It's not the requests and questions like that are the issue; it's more the way you ask/demand them. In my experience most servers want to make their customers experience as great as possible. Just be polite and treat your server with mutual respect as a human and more than likely they will be more than willing to go

That or one could argue nearly the whole show could have been accomplished in a couple seasons and still hit most of the major plot points. There was a LOT of filler. Fun filler...but still filler

Fun idea except for friction, and as you slide down for a kilometer, it catches you on fire, or severely burns you so you let go halfway down and just fall the rest of the way. :-P

That was more of the teaser than a trailer. And as far as movies that don't really need a trailer I'd say that one is pretty damn close to the top of the list. Nearly everyone knew it was coming and enough of what it was about to want to go.

Hmmm. Interesting. Possibly a new way of attempting to deal with asteroids we detect that might be on a coalition course? Granted it's not perfect since the smaller pieces could still hit us but maybe several smaller rocks is much better than a giant one wiping out the planet.

Don't like gay marriage...don't marry someone of the same sex

The problem is people in the south having some backwards view of history having that era in the south and our country's history that they want to take pride in it. It was probably the most disgraceful period in our country's history. Period. Its as un-american as you can get. It was not a great thing that the

Was just going to post this one

Maybe this device but I guarantee a light just went off in some network or google execs head. They will develop this idea ore and get into peoples living room and this will become an advertisement channel.

Not a horrible idea, but there is still the power-grid issue. Yes, lots of electricity could be made, but you have to get it to where the electricity will be used and there just aren't a ton of people in that part of the country. So you'll need a far more efficient power-grid to move it via wires to where the people

Always thought this was good to bridge the gap between non-sci-fi and sci-fi lovers. Funny. Not much thinking involved.

It'll be titanic. But with a volcanic island instead a boat and ice.

Kinda the inherent issue with all sports now. The progress of HDTV and the comforts at home. Sure it's fun to occasionally go to a game live. And the die-hard fans will continue to. But I can much more comfortably, easily, and cheaply invite friends over and watch the game on an HDTV, have a better experience actually

I regularly work after 7. Hell I don't attempt to try and deal with ATL traffic until after 7 unless I have to.

You're not from ATL are you? Even the non-rush-hour time periods have more stupid drivers than most cities ever see. I've been in traffic jams here at 1 AM. Not to mention the area they're all gonna be coming from is one of the most highly congested traffic areas of the city. All the truckers coming to or through the