More likely that they’ll either not upgrade and wait for it to come back or only upgrade to the 7S for now if they care about it.

Especially now that they practically teleport around.

But I’m sure they have the best words

They did “writing”. Then tried to tack “good” at the end. Failing to realize “writing good” is not good writing

Doubt it’ll be Bernie but I saw this today

I believe you mean Tahiti. It’s a magical place.

If your memories from childhood of watching a movies or two 30 years ago are ruined by a reboot, I’m guessing those memories aren’t to strong or you’re being overly dramatic because you don’t like change (when really nothing changed, just new things were added)

4, 5, 1 (optional), 2, 3, 6

So scientists really want to probe Uranus. Got it.

That doesn’t sound that bad. Depending on the numbers of cars in the fleet. 47,000 miles with 11 “disengagements”. I imagine that amounts to the driver recognizing the driver around them is unpredictable and needs to be ready to dodge instead of relying on the cars inability to react. Over 5-6 years in my car with

Didn't she play his wife who died in the first one?

Plug/dock combo. Lol. Damn autocorrect

Loved that mouse too. My problem with it was the metal contacts weren't reliable. Maybe I accidentally got them wet or something but eventually they stopped charging unless you got it situated JUST right on the charger. Couple times forgot to triple check before leaving work and got screwed the next day with a dead

That’s what I or both of them. Then they don’t have to get rid of any of the major characters but it still has an impact on Oliver. It would also explain why no one else but Barry were there. If any of the main characters died, I’m pretty sure the rest of the team would be there as well. If its the kid

I liked it. But have some issues.

and still not sure if Cat does or does not know Kara is Supergirl

Aren't there some Dalmatians she should be chasing somewhere? Why is she still running?

Not sure how it usually works, but I can believe that Star Wars 7, bring one of the most anticipated movies of the year, maybe decade, hell maybe ever, having the procedures around secrecy of it being a little abnormal.

Asking the wrong person. I'm repeating hearsay of someone I listen to online, which neither me or him have experience in the area. Guessing even with reps on set they still get to view the final(ish?) product to give some kinda of final sign off. But that's just pure speculation on my part. I will say I consider the

Some have already seen it that aren’t directly connected to the production of the movie. A podcast I listen to, one of the guests had friends who work for the group that makes sure animals aren’t harmed in the making of movies (forget their proper name) got to see it last weekend to make sure no critters were hurt.