Yes...that one week in 1999...

It may not prevent staleness, but it does slow down the molding process. As a single guy, it takes me a good while to go through a loaf of bread. Used to leave it at room temp and it would be bad in 2 weeks. Put it in the fridge and no mold after a month. Maybe they don't go through bread quick and don't like wasting

The bread in the fridge thing may not keep it from going stale, but it does help keep it from getting moldy. Trust me. Single guy. Leave the bread out it gets moldy within a week or two. And I won't go through bread that fast but I do enjoy an occational sandwich. Put it in the fridge, and it's still fine (without

So its the senate's fault that when they passed a budget 6 months ago, while yes a bit late, but was so because they had to rework things after the results of the last round of brinkmanship from these shining examples of leaders, and called for a conference committee, democrat leaders in the senate appointed members

It was a planet, but now its not.

Its OK. Not my favorite. Its like Elementary meets Supernatural. Old classic stories meet modern day, but with a magical supernatural aspect to it all.

IIRC, the 5 and up get AirDrop while the 4S and 4 do not. I think it has to do with the more advanced Bluetooth tech that went into the 5, iPad (4th), iPad mini, and iPod Touch.

He looks like he just saw the VMAs or something

Thought the same thing. From the actress's perspective, how much tension do you think there is between her and felicity. Laurel was clearly hired to be the leading lady, but once felicity entered she obviously stole the show.

But why wouldn't Batman just get supes or GL to go handle it

I'll leave this here.

People don't just get drugged at the rave-like clubs. It happens at decently lit normal bars as well.

Or doing something like trying to sit on the railing and losing your balance and fall back.

So what innovation has Android come up with the last few years? And making a screen bigger does not count as innovation.

Kinda my thought. I think not only Apple, but Samsung, Microsoft, Google, etc, have run out of truly innovative ideas for their phones/tablets for a while. It feels like we've hit a plateau. Expandable storage is nice, but I haven't ever needed it with a 64 gig iPhone. Changeable battery, outside of 1 or 2

I know I'm in the minority with this opinion, but I liked the last episode, but I didn't look at it as a finale for Enterprise, that was the episode before IMO. The final episode always came off to me as a Trek-On-TV finale, which I was fine with.

Was exactly my first thought...looks very similar


Seasons 6 and 7 weren't as good as the previous seasons, but they weren't horrible. Admittedly they seem to lack the overall direction that the previous seasons had, but there are some good episodes throughout it, and a lot of setup for season 8 and the future. Season 8 felt like they figured out the direction and

Is there additional room for congress as well?