President Ted Cruz. Vice President Michelle Bachmann.

They're charging it wrong apparently...

From what I gathered is the process appears that it can be done with a single photo, however the details that are obstructed by things in front of it aren't viewable. The additional photos are used to interpolate that information so you can fill in those black spaces.

True, if you can afford to charge and pay off $5000/month, then it shouldn't a problem to have a $20,000 limit. But if you're in college and only make maybe $1000 a month (as this article presents as a scenario), you shouldn't charge $5000/month, nor should the credit card company give you a $20,000 limit, but of

As someone who did something stupid with credit cards in college and ended up 20k-30k in debt by the end of it...PAY THEM OFF EVERY MONTH!

Who wants to bet one of the new villains will be a chilling personality named "Snowed In"?

To be fair about the Red Wedding, all the talk got more people interested in the series I'm sure. I know it did. Hadn't ever watched the show, but after seeing the enormous reaction on Twitter and such, I had to see what all the ruckus was about. 2 weeks later I've watched the whole series and love it now. I'll

Oh...NOW he wants to be Lex Luthor. And no way he'll get bored with it, miss his hair, and leave production 75% of the way through. /s

Oh I know the show had MANY more problems and the car choice would probably be the least of them. But it was the first sign that it wasn't going to go well, at least to hard core fans of the first show.

Nothing is really wrong with fords. More of an inside joke based on a pointless childhood rivalry between me and my dad and my scoutmaster and his son. We were Chevy guys. They were Ford guys. No reason for it other than those were the types of cars we had. Incidentally, now I own a Jeep Wrangler

Better than "Oh look its a ford"

Even if not a firebird, they were reintroducing the Camero then. Why at least that wasn't used I dunno. I only assume Ford threw a lot of money at them.

Someone jailbroken iOS 6. There's the Cydia app in it

I thought they were trying to suck up to McCain even more after adding auto background app updates.

John McCain will be sooooo happy!

I think game center, safari, and the photos icons should be redone. Photos isn't horrible, but without the text, would you know its for photos just by looking at it? Same thing for game center. Safari, I suppose if you knew that the normal icon for Safari was a compass...but the look just looks very amateurish here.

This. I like the flatter look, just hate a white background. Black background with white text is much easier for me to read.

Wait...they're adding Siri to the iPad 2?

Exactly. This and the phone metadata thing has plenty of blame to go around for both Bush and Obama for letting their NSA/FBI groups do it and signing the laws to make it legal and the continuances for them, as well as pretty much anyone in the legislative branch in the last 10-12 years for passing them to begin