"I'm going to the ATM Machine."

Here's an idea...why don't we put explosives in them that can be remotely detonated. Then when/if they do ever capture one we wait until they take it to the 'secret bunker' or whatever they put them in and blow it up, taking out some of the bunker and the other secret stuff in it. I'd imagine a few times of that

Just sayin...

Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2? Anyone? The show had its weak points, but I thought the overall story they were forming could have been great, and the end of season 2 was a great cliffhanger...then canceled.

The one I'm in. Born in 1980 too.

No idea what that means, which is why I hire an electrician to do it. Not the most handy guy when it comes to that stuff. I would screw a lot of stuff up. Besides, have a few other minor things to do involving electricity and outlets and appliances so.

No idea what that means, which is why I hire an electrician to do it. Not the most handy guy when it comes to that stuff. I would screw a lot of stuff up.

Yes. Depending on who defines it. But late genX/early genY. Take your pick.

I've never understood the model of photo stream and by extension this service. I get its purpose and if you take nothing but pictures you want to spread across all devices then great...but especially with camera phones between just bad shots being taken and more private pics being taken, wouldn't an opt-in model be

Was thinking the same thing. Kinda hope they do cause he was a great character, but kinda hope they don't since they killed him a couple seasons ago and I'll bet the explanation for him being alive would probably suck.

Just canceled my order for them. Hopefully I'll get a refund since it hasn't shipped yet.

So what you're saying is our global warming/climate change issue has gotten so bad that its now spilling over onto other planets we haven't even touched yet? /sarcasm

That scene has forever left me scarred. I can't watch it. Even today whenever I see just the generic 'grey' alien face part of me wants to run and hide.

Continued from my previous comment...

I think the iPad 1 should still work with it. Officially it doesn't say it does on the site but in the consumer questions section people asked and it said it still worked. I'd suggest if you buy it, save the receipt just in case.

Yes. They had one for the 30-pin to HDMI for a while, however it doesn't work with the Lightning->30-pin adapter. This one should work with the new devices.

So buy 2-3 cables, use the plug cube thing that comes with the iPhone and that cable to charge at home...then 2 car adapters with USB slots and the other cables in your cars. If that's too much, I don't know how having a cig-lighter->lightning only charger would solve it since you would effectively have to drag it

IIRC, I remember reading about when the redid Nick Fury for the Ultimates universe, well before the movie was in the works in 2002, the writers actually modeled him after Samuel L Jackson for the comics. After Sam found out about that, he called Marvel wanting to play the character in any future movies involving the

Add to it the didn't know/Refused number is higher than the actual number of LGBT people: 4.4%. I'd bet the majority of those should really be in the LGBT number. Messes with a bunch of their assumptions.

They probably did