not software, but hardware...iphone 4: 7.2 HSDPA...iphone 4S: 14.4 least my guess

Then you're not in the market that these laptops are shooting for. If all you're doing is watching videos then there are cheaper laptops that can do that. These are intended for people who are actually going to use that much resolution, like video and photo editors. You'd be dumb to buy this for a computer to

That's the non-next gen thicker mac book pro. The new thinner next gen model has several of its ports on the other side and doesn't appear to have the battery indicator lights or the power light anymore.

On the contrary, when they did the flashbacks in the JSA Smallville stuff, Alan Scott was there. They even had his ring on display in there. He wasn't in the main part of the show but they did have him. He's also been in Batman Brave and the Bold, Justice League New Frontier, DC Universe Online.

Or...they've had some people working on it for months and now they are looking to expand the department.

While cool that we can do this and yay for advancing technology...there is no reason to rush this into another broadcast transition unless we all start getting ultra HDTVs the size of our wall installed. Some people in my family have trouble seeing the difference between 720 and 1080 now with our current TVs. Maybe

It still is an issue to a certain degree in windows programs, however Microsoft has done a great job over decades of developing a robust environment to limit the fragmentation issues. Android is trying to, however its a much newer platform and has a ways to go.

Haven't done it in a few years, but comparing a custom built dell with as close to identical specs as I could get to the 13" unibody macbook, the dells were still lower quality, couldn't reach the specs of the macbook, and dell was about $50 more expensive. Just because the amount of RAM, HD size, and processor speed

New photoshop contest coming?

I love the irony that this story is sponsored by Droid Razr Maxx.

Not to mention the Seimens water tower in Cumming


Is the going to be the new entrance to the Apple Store?

He also likes to make them the ultimate hero too. My guess they win by Black Widow putting a bullet in Loki in a Matrix/Trinity/Dodge This moment while the boys are down. If they kill anyone my money is on Hawkeye.

Jim Parsons = Sheldon. Always thought he would make a good Egon replacement.

She has experience in the role from Zombieland!

Tivos OS is amazingly simple and no other DVR I've tried even comes close to the quality. The newer HD UI has some bugs but it is improving and is still better than the generic cable boxes out there.

Maybe a bit more power to handle the processing of that many more pixels, but that's not the reason for the battery drain on displays [usuallly...its] usually the actual back-lighting of the display. If the lighting system is close to the same then the difference from only that should be negligible. However, IIRC,

Tell me there's a typo in that price. $700 WITH a 2 year contract? $850 without? Wait screen is 10.1"? Thought this was around a 5" screen? Think those are the mashed up specs for the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and the Galaxy Note? Otherwise for roughly the same price as a 32 GB 3G+WiFi 10" iPad you can get a 5" smartphone

And thinking like this would be how many viruses get spread through email as well as facebook. All it takes is one virus to get through, blast your contacts list or facebook friends with emails and posts saying click here click here and you may not even be aware of it until everyone else starts complaining at you for