I agree, but is not my point. My point is that everyone seems to be focusing on Apple like their the only company using Foxconn to assemble their products and because of Apple their work conditions are horrible. Many of the major tech companies in the world are customers for this same company and probably have

So what was the reaction of the worker on the Samsung, Amazon, Dell, Sony, Nokia, Nintendo, Cisco, Barnes & Noble, HP, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, and Acer lines when shown their respective products that they put together?

Does anyone else look at that picture and think "DS9 wormhole mid-openning"? I did at first glance and thought this was going to be some wacko seriously suggesting wormhole aliens were the key to it.

For the record...Moe's is AWESOME! Its on the weekly rounds for restaurants we hit up at lunch at work. Found out later it was actually started in Atlanta by a friend from high school's dad after I fell in love with eating there.

Because, I'm pretty sure, that this is still the internet. That's what we do.

That GridIt board is one of those simple, but genius, things I really wish I had thought of before them. Just ordered 2 as presents for my Dad and sister who's birthdays are later this month :) No idea where exactly they'll use it but I'm sure they'll come up with a million uses for it. Thanks! Made my birthday

How is the port obsolete? I believe that is a cross section of the wire in the picture. They could still use the same connector on the computer, but a different one on the device. Worst case it would mean a new cable and new device, if I understand it all correctly.

I think the 720 thing is a limitation of the video output capabilities on the A4 processor on the Apple TV hardware, not the AirPlay software. I'll bet that if you up it to the A5 processor, it could do 1080

I was looking for the same reference about this. While Google may have been doing this in searches for a while, Apple was doing this well before Google was even around. Whether or not Google did it before the iPhone is immaterial. Its not an iPhone patent. Its Apple's patent for technology they developed in the

While its not perfect, it's still one hell of a step in the right direction. I'm impressed by it. Can't wait to see the perfection of the tech and the practical implementations

"How Apple got record companies to sign off on this is a mystery to me."

Some people actually prefer to have hardware buttons. They also open up extra screen real-estate since they don't have to be present on the screen. Just because they CAN do without them doesn't make it not designed for it because they keep them.

Interesting idea...I would use them if I had them...however I have some concerns about getting rid of ALL paper $1s...

So...its a fancy poncho with a hat?

Abnormally large single celled organisms? Anyone else thinking we just discovered Metroids in real life?

So they can pull them back in later this season to get some help with the Leviathans.

For practical use though for the majority of the world, how many people have perfect 20/20 vision and what distance to most people hold their devices when using them normally (like when they aren't trying to count the pixels).

I wish they would improve the picture portion. I get the idea of photo stream, though I don't want to use it personally, but there could be a lot of potential with just a little work. My thoughts of what to add:

LOVE this app! Always wondered why there wasn't an easy way to view Apple trailers on an iPhone. However, I have one issue, that is barely an issue, just an interesting quirk. The trailers only play in landscape orientation, and its the oposite direction as other every other app's default video landscape

Notifications are going to be on previous Generations. The iPhone 3GS, 4, iPod Touch 3rd and 4th gen, and iPad 1 and 2 are all getting iOS 5 in a software update. The only part of iOS 5 not going to these is Siri.