Where there may be a transitional delay while the suppliers switch over and ramp up if it happens abruptly, I'm fairly certain that there are a number of suppliers what would LOVE Apple's business in place of Samsung. I'll bet Intel would jump all over those processors for one.

Was my first thought as well. The thing before was tough to control. The camera guy should have been prepared to move if needed. But also, this type of stuff must happen a lot on action movies. Its why insurance is around. While maybe the camera guy could have moved better, or the camera been placed more safely,

I'm gonna guess that the goggles are some sort of HUD and communication for use with the BatPod.

Is he still alive? How old was that documentary? I actually got more interested in that than the MoCap article reading this thing.

But all that extra stuff (wallpaper, extra graphics) is kinda stuff that makes Android 'better' too? If I'm using a smartphone I'm using it to do something, not to look pretty. You shouldn't have to remove the things that make your phone better to be able to use it without lag when a 'lesser' phone does it by

I agree that Android has done VERY well so far and I don't think its going away any time soon, even though I prefer iPhone personally.

My point was its a movie based on a comic book and where the web shooters come from is probably the least important part of the credibility of the movie.

Don't think its any further out there than someone getting spider powers after being bitten by a radioactive one.

I doubt sprint will get rid of it just to keep being able to say they are the only ones with true unlimited. Its probably the only thing keeping them from totally going away. I would like to see what would happen if they did get the iPhone and offered unlimited data on it...

Yeah, that's what it does now. And it doesn't make a separate new 'space' for it, it just sits it on top of everything in the current 'space' and locks it down. I'm asking if the new version utilizes the new way of doing full screen and it work like other products do.

Please tell me they are fixing the full screen to work how full screen is supposed to work for a mac now.

Well technically they are the 5 stages of dealing with grief, not just death. Which now while minor it was a bit of grief toward the loss of a great deal. Denial (surely I'm grandfathered in at the old price), Anger (not a lot but not happy), Bargaining (which plan should I switch to now), Depression (the

While I'm sure no one LIKED the price raise, in reality, the price is still under $20 for unlimited streaming and DVDs, which isn't exactly breaking the bank. In fact its cheaper than a lot of things you do for entertainment, including actually going to the movies. I'd imagine a lot of people's reaction were a lot

Castiel becoming the new god was the result of the story arc from last year. I thought last years was very well done. It wasn't an obvious arc from the start of the season, but got all tied together by the end.

Looks awesome so far! Personally I liked the FP view at the end. Something we haven't seen yet from the other movies (that I remember at least). Thought it was a cool way to reveal Spiderman (assuming someone didn't know who it was already, which is unlikely in this crowd). I'll bet though that is just one shot

11" MacBook Air = $999

Just noticed that as well! That's a surprise.

In the process of moving and could use the money. Not always, but Apple sometimes does take a bit of a dive right after big new product releases as well.

Redacted. Its that this was a reply to something else

If that holds that makes me VERY happy for not selling my stock earlier this week