That's a pretty bold statement coming from the software maker before the hardware makers are even done making their phones. I want to see a test on an actual Windows 7 phone...oh yeah...they don't exist yet. How about on a Kin...oh yeah. Windows 6.5...oh, it crashed before I could try it.

I get that Laura Vandervoort was off playing another alien on V, but I had trouble believing that she wouldn't have come back when the Kandorians showed up especially since she left to go find them to begin with. How are they going to explain that all Kryptonians were going to be zapped off to the Kandorian promised

If this were 4-5 years ago and everyone who would be interested in games like this didn't already have a Wii for cheaper...well it probably would still fail.

Great idea, unless you live somewhere like in GA that just passed the anti-texting while driving laws, which don't just apply to texting. Pretty much they catch you playing with your phone at all in the car they can pull you over. Wouldn't want to risk a $150 ticket for karma points.

@LiC: Doesn't mean he can't do a well established story well as well. Joss would be great for this.

OK...I almost squeeled a little bit when I saw Optimus's trailer in the Transformer pics.

iPad Nano

"Wash, why oh why did you park the ship there?"

Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds are gonna be busy...

@DoYouLikeToastToo?: If you need a light and you hands are full, that's likely several touch commands unless you just happen to keep your camera on video and the flash set to on.

@Arken: Droid is...for the rights to the Droid name.

@AdamKaoru: It looks updated to me...much clearer than before.

@DARSFOG: They must have never gotten there.

So Disney was wrong...a dream ISN'T a wish that your heart makes.

Wasn't it Pride Weekend in Chicago this weekend? So maybe its not just Atlanta that can't have a dry, non-stormy pride weekend.

@Redrum4breakfast: It would make sense if it did, but I would think that would be the first thing they would try before accepting the exchange...remove the wrapping for the phone...oh look it works...have a nice day.

@dtptampa: $30 Leopard - Snow Leopard. More if from Tiger

I haven't noticed any issues with the signal strength no matter how I hold mine. In atlanta, and rarely have had any signal issues on my 3G. Tried various ways of holding it and no effect from what I could tell. Maybe I'm just lucky and got a better one or something. Also no yellow shit on my screen :)

@vein11: About the same in a quiet room. With background noise and the noise canceling on the iPhone 4, it beat the other two hands down. Keep reading the article.

Just about the same experience in the iPhone line at Perimeter Mall in Atlanta, GA. Shorter lines but SLOW. Probably about 1000+ people in there before 7...500 with preorder, 500 without. Took until about 2-2:30 for me to get through and I was about 250-300 back.