I can make out the pixels of the screen on the top shot even at this size. With as large as that screen is, you'd think they could increase the DPI a bit. Also...3 mics? 2 I understand for noise cancelation. 3? I guess Droid doesn't multitask when it comes to microphones.

@driggity: Droid's mics don't multitask?

@stalking_goat: Atlanta in the same boat (ATL being the gay meca of the east coast...shocking how few people outside of ATL know that...we actually are the 'gayest' city in the US...even more than san fran)

So he's missing Kansas and New York. Strange since Smallville is in Kansas and arguably Metropolis is based on NY.

This just might be my reason to get an iPad

@nutbastard: Yes, its been noted that the iPod touch is faster than the iPhone because the iPod Touch doesn't have all of the celular 3G connection and scanning and all of those processes constantly running in the background. It does take some work for the phone to stay connected to the network so you can get calls.

@JonThomasDesigns: There isn't a '3rd Generation' iPod Touch at 8 GB. Its the 2nd Generation that they just kept around, like they did with the iPhone 3G and 3GS. On their site they even separate all of the specs between the 8 GB and the 32/64 GB.

I've had the exact opposite experience with my iPhone 3G. Updated last night. Took maybe an hour or two. When it first completed everything started trying to use it and it was very sluggish almost unusable. But after a few minutes it now runs everything much smoother and it seems a bit faster than before the

@XanderCrews: I think it did. After it was anounced, HP and MS left their projects going. But within a week or two of it being released and seeing how popular it was, both of their tablets seemed to be canceled.

@berbar: It will. iOS4 hasn't been released for the iPad yet.

@Benjammn: iPod Touch 3rd Gen gets the full update. 2nd Gen doesn't get multitasking, backgrounds, bluetooth keyboards, but still a partial update. 1st Gen are just not getting it.

@SKiTz: A car doesn't need heated seats and bluetooth connectivity to serve its purpose and be useful...but if I can get it for free on the car, I'm still gonna get it.

@ILLKnOwLeDgE: Also the 3rd generation iPod Touch will be fully supported I believe. 2nd generation get the update, but no multitasking and possibly some other features (ala iPhone 3G). 1st gen iPod touch is SOL.

If they ever got a similar concept for it into a more corporate friendly space, like exchange server, companies would LOVE it. I can think of a ton of uses for it around work and communicating for that. However a lot of companies aren't keen on possibly internal information being on some public server.

@syrdax: Wave isn't really a social networking thing. Think its more intended as Email 2.0.

@Ziggy Sawdust: With the current camera technology that isn't possible due to physics and (I think, photography buffs correct me if you want) apature size or length, or something like that (not sure of the exact terminology). Basically the distance between the lense and the sensor, as well as the size of the opening

@n9n3: And we all know how well any preorders around the iPhone 4 have gone.

@TheFirstBardo: Yes...its Brandon Routh. Liking him more and more after Chuck and now this.

So basically instead of melting a larger portion of it using a blowtorch or whatever, it uses friction to more precisely melt a smaller portion of it and then stick them together, at least I think that's what they said?