I think once these hit the iPod Touch, we'll be saying goodbye to the iPod Classic. The only reason I can think of that Apple is keeping them around instead of replacing them with the iPod Touch is because it has a higher capacity. 128 GB I think would eliminate that argument for that and result in it a

@pouncep: A) The iPhone 3G came out 2 years ago. AT&T offers the upgrade discount normally after 18 months of being on a contract (at least it was for me and my 3G). So anyone who got the iPhone 3G within the first 6 months (end of 2008, beginning of 2009) would normally be eligable for the normal price. Thats a

Pre-Ordered through the iPhone Apple Store App yesterday around 2 (I think). Email came in without a price or rate plan, just a iPhone 4 Black 32 GB. It had the pre-authorization stuff on it too that said pre-authorization doesn't guarantee a phone, yada yada. Went to the Apple Store that I scheduled to pick it up

I think this is AT&T's available preorders are gone. Apple will probably still have lots more (assuming they didn't sell out as well).

"The Big Bad-Twilight finally stands revealed, and it's tearing the Scoobies apart, testing the limits of their friendship.

This is exactly what skynet to sit down in front of the double-barreled laser gun and stare directly into them voluntarily. Then ZAPP. will see it coming...but thats it.

@Kakkoii: The technology isn't perfect or very practical yet, and for the 3D to be viewed properly in those scenarios, IIRC, you have to be positioned properly in relation to the screen. In the case of the 3DS, usually only one person and its easy enough to position it in relation to your face. For TVs, unless you

@ryoshi: sometimes i do. Depends on what i'm reading or how i'm sitting, or numerous things. Just did it as a quick experiment and it seemed like a reasonable comfortable distance to view my phone at. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Haven't personally tracked my phone's position to my face in a quite some time

@ryoshi: sounds about where it would be with my elbow on my desk and holding the phone up...elbow at about a 90 deg angle. foot...foot and a half...seems reasonable.

@MrBuffalo: Well not all of them necessarily need their own movie. Martian Manhunter, at least in the cartoons, always seemed more of the Nick Fury type characters that ran Watchtower. Give him a similar role to that in the movies. Just cast the same people and at least try to put them all in the same universe.

Geek out...AERIALBOTS!!!

Hope she is found alive and well. My thoughts are with her and her family. Even if she is in trouble, she should be applauded for her efforts and ability to make it as far as she has at her age.

Does it have a stun setting? Or just vaporize? Does it make a 'pew pew' sound when operating?

@Edo411: Technically it started a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. We're just playing catchup.

Could this be the start of a JLA movie cluster like Marvel's pulling with the Avengers/Iron Man/Thor/Hulk/Capt?

Its like you're looking up at waves from in the ocean.

@FrankN.Stein: Great idea until you find out Troi is driving it.

@aec007: To be fair, isn't that the purpose of all marketing? If there already is a need, marketing isn't needed because people need it. Marketing is about making people want something so bad that they think they need it so they buy it.

@AndrosZ: Get the feeling someone's going to try and implement a 'what happens in the capsule stays in the capsule' policy on the gay/straight thing.

Liked it very much. Always liked the mortal kombat games. The first movie was alright. Second one was eh. This looks interesting. I would totally see this...shorten it to 2 mins and you've got yourself a trailer ready to go that would get a lot of people intrigued and wanting to see it.