Apophis Blood: Master Racer

Look at that Flippy Floopy

The only privacy setting I will accept is "kinect not plugged in". I will not talk to my machine, give voice commands, or gesticulate wildly to change channels. If that is the only way it will work, then that is a machine I will not buy. (I know there will still be controllers, but that doesn't resolve the always

Butthurt fanboys like you are just sad, sad sad

Ha. We'll see.

I hope that's true.


What kind of a dolt came up with the name? Xbox One? That's like this is THE FIRST XBOX AND IT FUCKING ISN'T!

I am getting a little tired of every costume nowadays being drawn with glowy bits on it. It's like padded shoulders and pockets for the 2010's.

8 million people are still paying $15 a month. So no, not anytime soon.

Released in 2004, it is now 2013, close enough to a decade. You must be fun at parties.

The lack of nudity, butt and boob bounce, and user generated armor, weapons, and companions makes this an instant "no dice". Seriously, the latest editions to Elder Scrolls are only so adored because of the modding community, and not due to the efforts of Bethesda.

Nothing to see here except another $100,000,000 in wasted money. Move along.

Puh-lease, everyone knows the path to peace is shooting thousands of vaguely ethnic non-Americans while heavy metal music plays! Get your Call of Duty straight.

Great, another horribly generic first person shooter that I'm sure will claim to be "Jaw dropping." "Awe-inspiring" and "Boner inducing." Then of course the rabid fans will come out and defend it, saying that its incredibly linear bullshit plot is "the most epic thing since Halo 4" and that the multiplayer is the

"Everyone was expecting us to make Modern Warfare 4, which would have been the safe thing to do,"

They breed so fast! Kill it with fire!

Lamest excuse for streamlined non-free-world games ever.

Can't you turn a 3DS, into a Vita, Jesus..?

This giant reply could have been avoided if you bothered to read past the headline. Richard clearly meant non-gamer as a person that doesn't play games at all.

You didn't enjoy Nier?