Apophis Blood: Master Racer

So Kotaku has finally dropped the pretense of 'video games journalism' and become what it truly is; a text version of Youtube celebrity channel.

Am I the only one who read her name as Nami Nagura?

Hello Kitty isn't a cat, dumbass. The people who made her just said so.

Of course, Hello Kitty is a character that has come to represent Japanese cute, but isn't the point of personification giving animals human characteristics? I mean, do we really need to point out things like real crickets don't have top hats and umbrellas like Jiminy Cricket?

If this your way of insulting Final Fantasy XIII, then you should know that you're an idiot.

Yet another "game" made along the thought process of "Know what would be awesome in a video game? REALISM!" to the exclusion of everything else that makes a video game a video game.

Picture #6: Why are there Chocobos in my Star Wars?

I hope they don't.

tl;dr Because Japan has actual respect for the dead and 'Murica doesn't? Big fucking cheers for 'Murica.

One of those games, an RPG called Bravely Default, sold a lot of copies both in Japan and in the west, which has made Square Enix realize something very important: people everywhere—not just in Japan—like Japanese role-playing games.

No One Winged Angel at number one? No Lightning Returns OST on this list? FAIL.

It's pretty sad to see how a tech demo trailer is enough to get "gamers" so hyped up these days.

The characters are similarly one-note in their humor. We expect Dandy to be a suave, pulp-fiction space hero based on his character design, but he’s just an incompetent loser who thinks he’s far cooler than he really is. QT is a robot—thus we expect it to be incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent—but due to outdated

Ugliest Transformer ever.

There is no fucking Zombie Apocalypse. Sheesh, 'Muricans!

(J)RPGs will never reach the same numbers as GTA V for three simple reasons;

Fuck off and go back to your glorious killstreak bro.

Nice to know there are still people on Kotaku that don't go "Japanese people are soo weird/dumb/stupid"

Welcome to the world of law.

This has about as much to do with Middle Earth as a giraffe is related to a wolf. It should be called Skyrim X Assassin's Creed: The LOTR Mod.