Ba dum tss!
3) The quests are nice and short—which makes FFTA2 an easy game to pick up and play for just a session or two at once. This is a welcome change from the usual trend of Everything Must Be Full Of Long Cut-Scenes And Melodrama.
And what pray tell, is so bad about Blood Vengeance? At least it was true to the source material, instead of making up its own version of Tekken and throwing ass cleavage in it, for no fucking reason.
Taking place in the Holy Roman Empire during the last days of the middle ages
Why is there no multiple recommend button for this? This pretty much sums up why any work of fiction coming out of the Hollywood Complex sucks these days.
Translation: I haven't used my imagination since elementary school and I'm too lazy to use it now.
You sir...are a genius.
Like what, pray tell?
Aaaaaaand once again, another movie made to promote the military might of 'MURICA!!
Because people like you who just shrug and accept anything are the reason why this "change" is forced on everyone?
No, you're wrong. It looks cool, and is a more practical for a robot pretending to be human.
No, it is about scientific hubris. He tried to make an 'improved' human being, and it backfired on him when he saw the end result.
At this point, every movie should stay as far as possible from the resulting fallout from that clusterfuck known as Disney's Star Wars Episode 7.
Sir, where did you find this, and are there more Top Gear memes?