Apophis Blood: Master Racer

I've seen laptops with higher specs than that.

So it's up to the developer. Some games may require an Internet connection; some may not. The future of always-online remains hazy.

All things considered, Rydia is a pretty useless until she gets the Bahamut Summon.

Hooray for bikini armor!

Easy doesn't make it right.

8 million cows clicking away is still a lot of money, good sir.

And butthurt baboons like you forget to do your homework before talking out of your ass.

" Jonathan Blow’s next game will probably be a digital download, just like Braid, the acclaimed indie title that made him a super-successful developer."

Two player co-op died out centuries ago, good sir. It was natural selection, I believe.

I never liked Amano. Mostly because his art was creepy. And terrible. And creepy.

"Moreover, the general enemies are practically designed to be slaughtered in mass numbers so there is little chance of frustrating deaths."

Garbage. Next!

$10 says that it will be an RPG.

That's what happens when you buy a gimmick instead of a console.

So in other words; more Final Fantasy XIII.

*cough cough*BULLSHIT*cough cough*

"I have been missing more Platinum Games in my life."

And that is why we're complaining!

Better start then.

In Soul Sacrifice, YOU are the ultimate spell!