Original Schiano Man
Another overpaid thug.
The only thing interceptions tell you is that you play on a good defense and are the 2nd best corner on your team.
Been saying this for years. It's gonna be a much better sport in a few years when the most important player on the field can actually do stuff like run, jump and touch his toes. Funny how every response mentions Peyton, because he's pretty much the only unathletic pocket passer at the either NCAA or NFL who's having a…
I'm not sure if opalcat is troll or just a typical Pats fan (pretty hard to tell in general,) but underneath his homerism is a valid point. Weather isn't really accounted for in FO's stats is it? And yet it's the single most important non-team factor in determining gambling totals. Isn't there some disconnect there?
I know right? Head trauma gets such bad rap these days! It's like, you can't make billions of dollars off of sending thousands of young people (the vast majority of whom are unpaid) to bash their skulls repeatedly without somebody throwing a bitch fit. NERDS!
God I love it when he gets depressed.
You're not so much a fairweather fan as an abject moron. Alex Smith is averaging 6.4 yards per attempt this season against vastly inferior defenses to the ones that Kaepernick has played. Here is your argument:
Repealing the first amendment wouldn't outlaw freedom of association or newspaper articles critical of our leaders, but it would take away our only protection from such laws. I'm not disagreeing with you that times haven't changed a great deal or that our founding fathers would be out there with Wayne LaPierre…
I'm know a lot more people who use their vehicles in ways that endanger the lives of others than those who use guns that way.
As a political body I'm not sure that the NRA exists to do anything but troll in the service of temporarily protecting the immediate interests of gun manufacturers. This is their job, to help boost the bottom lines of corporations by scaring gun owners into stockpiling weapons every few years based on some new…
thanks man
This belief is literally written into our constitution. Of course, from a practical standpoint, guns are no longer capable of providing defense from a tyrannical government, but at one point they were and they were often used successfully to that end. This is why the belief is still ingrained in our culture.
The NFL agrees. From PFT:
Some are a lot more corrupt than others and McAulliffe is one of the worst among that group.
You're absolutely right about McAuliffe but I personally don't think either of them deserve to be assistant manager at a Burger King. If I lived there I'd be thinking about moving. The good thing about McAuliffe is that if he wins, he'll probably be going to jail shortly after, so at least there might be a special…
McAuliffe is one of the most corrupt men in politics. He's enriched himself throughout his years associating with the Clintons by selling access to them. This has been thoroughly documented through the years but here's the most recent investigation:
McAuliffe is just as bad. He may not be a bigoted misogynist but he hates poor people and sells influence and access to the highest levels of government in exchange for business opportunities for his friends. This is how he got so rich.
I think it has more to do with brain damage than drinking (though the two are definitely related.)