
Certainly, any embargo that exists to starve a poor country that poses no security threat to its neighbors into submission is “brutal.” Particularly so because it became clear decades ago that the embargo wasn’t going to work. For at least 30 years it served no strategic purpose but to make Cuba poorer and reinforce

None of those countries were colonies in the 20th century except for Jamaica, which didn’t face economic embargos and doesn’t even come close to comparing favorably to Cuba in almost any standard of living measure. Castro was a repressive dictator, but it’s important to point out that the government the U.S. overthrew

“Plenty of other countries manage to develop first-world levels of literacy and health outcomes without murdering scores of their own population.”

A fairly typical response to bad public policy is cutting off your nose to spite your face (see: Brexit, Trump.)


Sorry, but when you use phrases like “due to his mentality” it puts you squarely in the first camp.

There are two reasons you might believe Blaine Gabbert is a better choice to start for the 49ers: 1) You know nothing about football and can’t critically analyze QB skill sets and play; or 2) You are offended by Colin Kaepernick’s racial politics to the point that you hate him more than you want the team to win. Which

This would be a defense if he hadn’t thrown an interceptable pass once every 18 attempts last year (32nd in the NFL) and ranked 34th in accuracy % and dead last in deep accuracy % http://presnapreads.com/2016/03/29/2689/

Partisan has nothing to do with it. The FBI absolutely has its own biased agenda about who it does and doesn’t prosecute, it just isn’t based on partisanship. For example: name the last person as or more powerful than Hillary Clinton who has been indicted by the FBI? That’s a good place to start in understanding the

at the same damn time, at the same damn time.

College athletes don’t get many guarantees from schools so they have to read into these little things to get an idea of how important they are to a program and how well they’ll be treated. So long as there are other offers, most guys are best going to a school they know values them enough to get this stuff right.

This is really great, I’m going to be sure to listen to your other casts. My Latin teacher told us that the word Barbarian comes from a crude imitation that Romans would do of their speech: “Bar bar bar bar.” Is there any truth to this?

That sounds awful. Apparently used to be a pretty nice neighborhood too. Reading about the history of that area it’s a damn shame those people are still paying for the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow. I don’t imagine that’s something that’ll ever wash off. There’s gotta be a way to improve neighborhoods that doesn’t

Must be a bummer having to look at all the people your government is neglecting to feed, house and educate so that they can subsidize your entertainment.

It’s really sad that’s 100 percent true.

Aspirational fetishists who NEED to live in a world where the trappings of obscene, unchecked, untaxed wealth at least exist. All part of the necessary illusion of economic mobility that brings us the lottery, briefly killed the estate tax, and makes this country great!

Yeah, fuck LeBron!

So you think it’s more likely that Kaepernick’s representation unnecessarily leaked his trade request out of the mistaken belief that it was a better way to generate interest in their client than going through backchannels than SF not wanting to make their interest in getting rid of Kaepernick known to other teams?

So Kaepernick’s representation was able to “find suitors” because he leaked his desire to be traded to the press. At the same time “People know he doesn’t want to be there. Him putting it out there publicly only confirms what people kind of thought already.” That’s what you’re going with? So apparently the public

You should probably get used to the idea that nothing that’s reported in the NFL media gets out unless it advances the purposes of the party who leaked it. Kaepernick and his agent had nothing to gain by publicizing his desire to be traded. If anything, that information becoming public hurts his image. Also, I have no