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WHAAAAAT?! But GameStop's whole thing is putting its customers on a pinball machine! But seriously, this is really cool if it's actually a legitimate increase in game values.

That said, you can't fault them for paying you $0.25 for a sports game, since they probably go in the garbage:

Not mad, disappointed. Seeing how bronies act (and of course, the porn they make that everyone publicly tries to distance themselves from) makes me more sad than anything. Like I said, a lot of them are broken people who don't know how to interact with others.

I don't think that's how a Klein bottle works; it's not just a ring, it's sort of like a vase. See? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_bot… Not really a shape you could fit a human into.

Most people would just say, "whose heads are up their asses" if they didn't have a metaphor that worked, but I appreciate that you

Implying Mike Fahey didn't buy this stuff to hot glue.
Implying it doesn't turn him on more that it's already been hot glued.
Implying he doesn't do drive-by ejaculations on his MLP stuff from his Rascal scooter.

They always get you on the body pillow upsell.

Operation Flashpoint was probably the worst game in the bundle. It was by all means awful. I wish I could have thrown the file into my trash can, because deleting it wasn't satisfying enough.

You're right that Dirt wasn't awful. It was a completely bland racing game that utterly failed to hold my attention. At least if

Then they must have recently turned to shit. I got the Codemasters Humble Bundle and every game was awful.

I didn't know you could hook up the DS4 to the PS3. Thanks!

I didn't know you could hook up the DS4 to the PS3. Thanks!

Because the "creators" (remember, the sole purpose of MLP is to whore merch) are ashamed of the fanbase they've attracted.

If you only want to play one or two gametypes, sure. Nobody's playing the other ones, and that's not an exaggeration. Literally zero players in all but the two main types.


I think I see your problem. Codemasters is kind of like the human equivalent of a fart that turns out to be diarrhea.

Shit like this just makes me laugh whenever I see someone say arena shooters take more skill to play professionally than fighting games do.

$25 EACH

Yeah, I know. I'm just a nostalgic old fool.

Yeah, I know. I'm just a nostalgic old fool.

Nyko? No thanks, I'll keep my DS4 nice and not on fire.

Nyko? No thanks, I'll keep my DS4 nice and not on fire.

I still miss the select button.

I still miss the select button.

"Jap" is such a lazy racial slur, like "Chinaman". Asians always get fucked when it comes to racism.

But... we already got them back for Pearl Harbor, like a hundred times over.

These are fantastic.

Everyone looks the same. Isaiah Stephens should get a job at SNK.