
Exactly. Sometimes I wish the internet didn't exist. It makes people with something wrong with them feel like they're just fine, or even better than the plebeians who aren't in their fandom.

Why did you like Mike Fahey in the first place?

No, it's not possible. One of the big things with autism is getting totally obsessed with one thing. Since they don't understand when someone isn't interested in hearing who they think has the best cutie mark, you start to understand why MLP fans never fucking shut up about MLP.

No shit, I wouldn't let my hypothetical kids go there and hang out with a few thousand Chris-Chans.

Why isn't this a statue of a Gold Rathian? Better yet, why not get some silver in there and make it a statue of a Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos fucking?

All games should be how much they were to rent them back in the day: $6 for five days. I think that's an alright price.

BioShock is a classic already, or at least it will be as soon as it's eligible. I get what you're saying about Slender, though. Still, it's a better title than, "Some Classic Games, One Game That May or May Not Yet Be Old Enough to Be Considered a Classic, and One Game That's Just Flavor-of-the-Moment Trash Reimagined

I'll admit she has good Limit Breaks, but I think overall she's forbidden fruit. If you could have her in your party through the whole game, you wouldn't. Because you can't, people either need her because they don't want to be told what to do, or because having her taken away gives them the idea that she was too

That is so much funnier than it has any right to be.

I don't think it's in bad taste if it was an accident. "Remember Me" (the movie, not the game) was in bad taste. "Postal" (again, the movie) was in bad taste. This is unfortunate.

Hell, I buy Great Value. Being grossed out doesn't make me able to buy better quality food. That's why obesity rates are highest where people are the most poor; we have to buy processed horseshit that will keep in a fridge for months or we can't afford to eat.

Exactly. I pretty much asked the same question as OP, and then I saw the date on the poster.

Obviously everyone is overreacting, but if my movie poster had "SEPTEMBER 11" on it, I'd be extra careful just in case. Or, you know, not release it on September 11th.

I don't think they need to. Walmart is an unstoppable brand. They're not going to be hurt by a video about their ice cream sandwiches.

What does that have to do with being vegan? Are you implying that people who aren't vegan eat whole boxes of ice cream sandwiches?

The good thing about fist bumps is that even if you do get some bacteria on you, you can always blow it up to sterilize your hand.

Why would anyone even want to revive Aeris? Through the power of Materia, any character can be anything- a Black Mage, White Mage, thief, whatever. Aeris is the only character who can only be effective as a White Mage. As soon as you can replace her in your party, you do.

The game begins with Korra's powers being blocked by a mysterious enemy, with the player slowly regaining her gifts in the first play through, which is estimated at about four hours. The second play through gives Korra all the unlocked powers at the beginning, and the third brings it all together for the ultimate

"Isn't the world a lovely place?" No, not really. That's why the latest show has attracted such a diverse fanbase, while the older ones are generally despised — the older ones lie.

No DLC characters for UMvC3?

Oh, subway ads! I thought you meant Subway ads.