Saw the speech, most of it anyway, I don’t know how latino voters feel about him but I would assume that his ability to speak fluent spanish helps illustrate how much the DNC actually wants to reach out to latino voters instead of just consume them for votes. I mean weaving spanish into his speech, did that mean…
Where I’m from, if you make that sign below your waist, and get someone to look at it, that means you get to punch that person. That’s literally a thing here. IDK WTH IS WRONG WITH WHERE I LIVE.
The main thing I like about Kaine more than anything is that he very much aligns with my views on faith. I know for a fact that his conservative beliefs from a faith standpoint come nowhere near aligning with mine, but it’s the fact that he seems to understand that just because he believes these things does not mean…
Ya know, I couldn’t figure out why she picked him at first. He seems like a slightly overdone oatmeal lump, but her shit-eating grin during his speech in Miami got me looking at the guy and guess what- he’s a friggin boyscout. This dude couldn’t be more fucking wholesome and aboveboard.
Tim Kaine isn’t mad at the Republican party, he’s just disappointed.
I must say, this guy’s got a face that could out jolly all the other VPs. If 2017 is anything like 2016, we’re going to need many reassuring smiles.
I had an Argentinian teacher for all of high school. When I was about to take the AP exam, she was like, “Oh, yeah, BTW, don’t speak with my accent because you’ll get points off if you pronounce the double L the way we do. Good luck!”
LMAO. My Spanish is extremely rudimentary, but as a Californian, I could NOT make myself try the lisp when I was on vacation in Spain. It just seemed like I would be making fun of them if I did it!
Every Spanish teacher I ever had was either white or black. A couple were hispanic, but they were white (from Spain and Uruguay), whereas the rest were all Americans from English speaking homes. They all had degrees in Spanish and teaching.
A bunch of people in my twitter timeline got on this thing where they wanted to talk about the autistic man (who was unharmed) and his trauma from the event, which is fine, worthy of discussion.... except they wanted to center it and completely ignore the man who actually got shot. Literally acting like he didn’t…
I really enjoy this story. I had Mexican and Guatemalan teachers for seven years, and then went to Uni and had a teacher from Spain. I was fucking screwed. (Like what even is vosotros?!?! C’mon.)
True story: One of my Spanish teachers (it might have been a college professor. Everything prior to last week is a blur to me) complimented my Castilian accent because I was absolutely nailing that region’s pronunciation of the letter S. Uh... No, that’s actually just my lisp.
In high school we had a white Spanish teacher, she was not what you could call qualified for the position so we called her Señora Peggy Hill. It was a running gag around campus that native speakers would take her class for shits and giggles.
Flawleth? I don’t think tho! ;)
[edit: deleted a bunch of other shit]
I didn't know that Abigail Fisher had changed her name.
I’m changing my user name to Cynical Asshole. Because I totally am.
Also it doesn’t work. But I don’t actually think it’s supposed to work. It’s just some douchebag who thinks his opinions matter forcing his attention on some woman. He doesn’t actually think he’s going to get her, he just wants to express his lust like a starving animal.