
I can’t speak for others, but I read that as a quite “real” and self-effacing statement. He’s not even pretending that cutting someone off after they’ve done something sufficiently bad is entirely, or even mostly, about moral rectitude/“the right thing to do.” It seems like he’s admitting to this being as much (or

Different people have different experiences with age differences in relationships. I agree it can be fertile ground for grooming or unhealthy power dynamics but that’s not a given either. At 20 I was dating a guy almost 10 years older and it was a loving and amazing relationship that set a high bar for any man that I

As a Jalop tourist I am disappointed there are no pics of the Bug.

Yesterday’s dirt bag - Billy Ray Groomed his Fiance that he Met When She was 18

“jesse rutherford was alive during george h w bush’s presidency”

Don’t be like Japan were the singers have to pretend to be forever single virgins

Yes how unusual that Jezebel would support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. He barely knew Epstein.

I had these gorgeous crystal rosary beads as a kid and it pained me not to be able to wear it as a necklace.

I am a man and I strongly believe that what these men really don’t like is how they struggle finding dates with women.

What an utter fucking creep. You’re a doctor. If you have a cheerleader fetish and want to go online, find a consenting adult on OnlyFans to pretend to be a cheerleader for you. But this guy couldn’t do that, or how could he get off on their lack of consent and underaged status while he stalked them?

I don’t know if its emotional attachment so much as there is always a bowl that had oatmeal, or a knife that had peanut butter that didn’t get prerinsed and is not fully clean after a cycle in the dishwasher.

I believe the parade route is being misreported; a significant portion of attendees marched off to get cigarettes...

They arrested the guy. But then claim there’s no indication of the crime and claims were unfounded?

We moved into a new to us house 6 months ago. There are 2 large bedrooms upstairs, and 2 small bedrooms on the main floor. My husband and I take one of the upstairs bedrooms and our 2 year old daughter is in the other. Since moving in, she’s been a bad sleeper - up several times during the night, sometimes crying,

A few evenings ago, my three-year old son was staring past me with a furrowed brow and asked who was the scary lady with black hair who lived in the bookcase? I damn near pissed myself. I looked and nothing was there, fortunately. He asked again last night who was the dark lady in the bookshelf, and my blood ran cold.

You were “covered by the forest”. This really is a textbook example of that. It’s a common thing in Finnish folklore, called “metsänpeitto”, where the mischievous forest spirits make people or animals get lost or disappear. This can happen to people who are walking in very familiar places, literally almost on their

Absolutely fair point, although I would still say that if the comments you’re making on the record are comments you won’t want on the record when a nonagenarian dies, whether they’re about her or not, reconsider making those comments. That is a contingency that is on its way to coming sooner rather than later!

The forest changed

Oh man, this is kinda like what I was talking about in my own story (posted a few days ago). It’s so, so creepy when you *think* you’ve got a perfectly logical, very human explanation for the “supernatural” sounds you keep hearing . . . until! The realization hits and you’re just like, wait, what the hell have I been

Random Handsome Ceramic Loving Man