
The Voice in the Basement

that isn’t necessarily relevant. and this is how abusive men get off all the time -  they drive their victim crazy and then point and say look! she’s crazy!

You know, I can’t help but recall the “crazy bitch” reputation that Jolie has acquired through her relationships with known nutball Billy Bob Thornton and increasingly likely nutball Brad Pitt. If we’ve learned nothing else from the Harvey Weinstein debacle, surely we’ve learned to be suspicious of the crazy bitch

first time she’s publicly alleged that Pitt physically harmed their kids”

A Single Flower

I grew up in a really small town in the early 90s. It was the kind of town where there was still a local dairy and you could get deliveries from it for milk, butter, ice cream, etc. It was kind of a sign your family was upper middle class if you got these deliveries instead of buying the cheaper stuff from the grocery

I grew up in a small town in central Illinois surrounded by miles of corn fields in every direction, broken only by the interstate to the east. Class sizes hovered around 80, and it wasn’t unusual to invite half the class to parties. This was especially true for kids who lived on the outskirts of town or out in the

Doctor Oz,

No, see the scary story submissions go over here: (

Wow, I never expected to hear “My opponent hates puppies” as a statement of fact instead of a hyperbolic joke.

The show learned the lesson of the Red Wedding too well and became addicted to “shock.” That being said, a tweak to the final massacre could have worked like this:

Oh man, you know your show has some good writing if the plot only makes sense if you watch the behind the scenes documentary afterward.

Maybe, but her deciding to randomly burn all the peasants really isn’t a “disasterous ruler” move. It’s just random and bonkers.

I dunno. I would argue that it portrayed her as a person who was not going to settle down until she achieved her goal...which was the Iron Throne all along.

It also presented her as a person who realized she might not know everything and was frustrated occasionally when she tried to rule, but eager to learn

Ugh, yeah, no. This is pure BS. If that was the case...why didn’t she destroy the Red Keep?

One, this has been widely reported already. Two.....

The whole Daenerys as Mad Queen thing is strange. Like my definition of “Mad” monarch is based on the book/show interpretation of the Mad King which was that he was insane. I never got that Daenerys was insane. She’s ruthless, but not moreso than Stannis Baratheon or Tywin Lannister or any other major power player in

Yeah, it’s a story that kicks off with the sympathetic protagonist of the first book/season beheading a terrified man for desertion, when we know that running away was a pretty rational thing to do. Executing people for failing to obey or to do their duty doesn’t make you unhinged or a villain in this culture.

“Few would argue that Daenerys turning into the Mad Queen and destroying King’s Landing wasn’t fitting, as it was foreshadowed multiple times “

This is horseshit. The “foreshadowing” is only there retroactively. Had it gone the other way, there was just as much “foreshadowing” that would have shown her moving to being

In the episode’s “Inside The Episode” installment, Weiss says that the Red Keep, in that moment, symbolized all she and her family had lost, and the sight of it turned things personal for Daenerys.