
Perhaps if you brought something else to the table aside from narcissism, self-pity, and an almost supernatural ability to place blame for your dating woes on everyone but yourself, you might have better luck.

Anytime you are in a situation in which the stakes are really high for the women and really low for the men, you are going to find this scenario- the men become way more aggressive and the women become way more reserved. This is what it’s like living in a country where women have fewer rights. It’s also what it is

I’ve often heard ANY woman can get a partner easily, and I suspect that people who say that don’t even notice that women under, say, 4 out of ten exist. An unattractive woman with Asperger’s generally does not have guys flocking to her.

Compete? Compete! For what? With whom? We are not objects or prices you acquire. This is not a situation where a woman “rewards” the “winner” with attention and sex. That term “compete” in the context of dating is sickening. It proves that the people who use it can’t see women as human beings.

In light of the post that you are replying to, this post on Jezebel last week:

Kwok’s wife, Alison, testified that she loves her husband more now than when the assault occurred, and said “he has already been punished” enough for the crime. She asked that he be sentenced to probation, saying she needs him at home to help raise their two children.

OK you guys, this story is haunting me because I winessed this. Here is the newspaper account:

I think that a No-Hope-In-Sight lovelife is much more of a male thing than a female thing. Not even close.

I think men would have a lot more success on dating sites if they stopped being fucking creepy on them. You know why I stopped online dating? Because 90% of the messages I got from men either began with A) a derogatory comment about other women (“Boy, it’s nice to see a girl who reads!”) B) a comment about my

And I like to direct those naysayers to this tumbler site listing woman after woman after woman harmed for rejecting a man. Not that it does any good, but I still try.

He’ll still blame her. Guarantee it.

She didn’t let him abuse her. She reported his misconduct and got him fired. Although I am impressed with the way you dealt with your stalker, those tactics do not work in every case. Some jerks just escalate right back. Some (like the guy in the article) become murderers. There’s no one absolutely effective way to

I just point to situations like this when people argue that men are the logical sex, whereas women are the emotional sex.

When I read the part about how he tried I kill his arresting officer I expected the next sentence to be that they shot him dead. He must be white bc he can literally attempt to murder a cop and live.

This is also the sort of thing that jumps out at me whenever I see feminist-naysayers on the internet arguing that Western women don’t get to complain because women in, say, the middle east have it so much worse than us. While they’re not wrong, that doesn’t mean we’re not affected by the same poisonous misogynistic

During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal because “she had ruined my life.”

No, asshole you were the one that ruined your life and ended the life of a woman you were abusing.

Now playing

This is horrifying. Makes me think of the Louis C.K. skit.

This is what she gets for not giving the “nice guy” a chance.