
This is what you get from fan feedback:

I figure after last year, New England fans are probably about as insufferable as they’re going to get, whereas Philadelphia still has a ceiling they haven’t yet hit. Which is why it hurts me to say, but I gotta pull for the Pats.

We’ve got a broken political system that’s much too focused on all the wrong things. Namely, everything except what the people want.

It really crushes me to see a political movement this large and popular happen a year late. The only sure-fire way to protect net neutrality was to keep the Republicans out of the White House. The president appoints the majority of the FCC, and Ajit Pai vowed to repeal net neutrality upon his appointment as chairman. O

Check craigslist if you’re OK with second-hand gear. I switched to all-grain thanks to getting kit form someone who was moving across country. You can get good deals this way.

Homebrewing is so fun and such an amazing hobby. For people who don’t understand it, you’re basically a magic person because you can make beer! MAGIC!

When dealing with older conservative relatives, I’ve found that all you have to do is tell them their cable/internet bill will go up. They’re already enraged by the price they pay to watch NCIS and this is salt in the wound.

How does anyone not “get” Net Neutrality? What is there to “get”? The next thing you will tell me is that there are idiots who think the Earth is flat....

the internet was very different (and much less mainstream) pre-net neutrality. we have a lot more to lose now

I’m pretty sure the government has my best interests at heart...

This is why some countries have already added “free and unhindered internet” to their national bill of rights. Seemed a bit silly then, but now...

Yes. Easily. So long as the Democrats control the White House and Senate. But I think any price hikes for streaming services, video games, or home internet will be permanent. Price hikes never roll back.

it’s expected to pass thanks to a 3-to-2 party split

The internet as we know and love evolved in the complete absence of the *need* of those protections.

It takes additional engineering effort to violate net neutrality principles, and in the early days of the internet, there was no incentive to put forth this effort. This is because ISPs just provided the “on-ramp” to

Please elaborate on how exactly this is an overall positive for consumers and not just a gift to telecoms?

I have a question. If it passes and is put into effect for a year or two and starts to affect real people, can it be repealed in the next administration?

This is flat out theft from citizens of the United States. We have subsidized telecom since it started in the 1800's and these robber barons owe us unhindered service.

He should have taken a knee.

You live your best life, Mikhail Berdin.