Maybe she was trying to say that it wasn’t synonymous, but merely associated. Or sexism-adjacent.
Maybe she was trying to say that it wasn’t synonymous, but merely associated. Or sexism-adjacent.
He earned his stripes at the Battle of the Golden Corral Sea.
(Barshit or barstool or whatever the fuck it is)
when the squad finally gets the brand to not be synonymous with sexism
Spagnuolo later apologized if anyone was offended but his personal animosity toward fat people was because his father had spent years of his life fighting the morbidly obese.
Please use an editor.
As a manager of a Public Library Branch; Please please please please do not bring your self published book to me to add to the collection. I get people bringing in their self published childrens book all the time. They want to read it at story time and give us a copy for free, whoopie!
Firstly, I’m impressed these actually ARE people off the streets. So you know, well done (because they look made-up, generally speaking).
Down 2-0 in ECF vs 28 wins.
You’ve never seen Simmons play and we’re all just hoping Embiid isn’t done for good. I don’t agree with all of the Celtics fans who are convinced they’re poised for a decade of dominance, but this take is insane.
C’s fan. They never had a shot in this series. Their real victory this week was the future by winning the lottery.
Given the estimated level of douchebaggery suggested by the stunt itself, the vehicle involved, and the errant speaker enclosure, I’m guessing airsoft.
The HOA is gonna be super pissed about this.
More like Range Roller amirite?
Bass? Dropped.
The woofer box just popping out the back is the best part of this.
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.