
Yes, but that’s not really the point. Her friend was killed because of her ex boyfriend's anger towards her decision to break off the relationship. This is a fear women face while dealing with controlling significant others. It is an unfortunately reality that we have to deal with.

I’d go with Al Pacino for Best Actor in Scent of a Woman over Denzel in Malcolm X for the most egregious pick (I think everyone viewed it/views it as a pseudo-lifetime achievement award).

Some other bad ones would be Eddie Murphy losing Best Supporting in Dreamgirls to Alan Alda, solely because he did Norbit that same

When Robert Horry hip-checked Stave Nash into that fucking table resulting in Stoudemire and Diaw being suspended for Game 5.

Since I was there, the only thing embellished was that he didnt say my brother, he said his name. Which I decided not to put in the email. Good talk though.

Walsh made a 47 yarder and another one from 40+. The average field goal made percentage from the 40-49 yard range this year was 73.7%. Try again, shit for brains.


His blind faith of his concussion curing water may have hurt/killed someone.

It’s okay Tom. Chances are it is just a potato gun.

I agree that Vietnam is awesome, but must respectfully disagree on 333. It goes down decently in the oppressive heat, but there is a terrible aftertaste, like you wrung out your soaked socks off in your mouth. But to be fair, the alternatives (Bia Hanoi, Bia Saigon, and Biere Larue) pretty much taste the same.


When offered a severance package of a hot meal and a new pair of socks, Tomsula wept with gratitude.


I don’t get it- this has nothing to do with Manziel- why is his picture up at the top of the post?

Haven’t read the article yet. I’m grumpy. Hate Xmas,. But in response to the headline: until modern society stops tolerating mass shootings pretty much everyday, including the slaughter of 6 yr old kids at school, modern society has no right to be shocked by anything. Fuck Xmas and fuck America.

If anyone can speak for how all this senseless shooting has affected him, it’s DeAngelo Russell.

He’s going to get so many views when he murders his family and posts it on YouTube.

Who the fuck waltzes into someone’s house with shoes on? Do you all live in barns? How is this even up for debate? Why would you even want to wear shoes in a house? The best thing about getting home is taking those fuckers off, no matter how comfy your shoes may be.

No, I just don’t like having to vacuum and mop all the time. Taking off your shoes at the door helps immensely.
