
You are worse than Hitler’s dick.

The whole both-sides-are-equally-bad thing is a false equivalency, but I want to stick to the situation at hand vis-a-vis Huckabee.

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

Well if the white guy in question is you, I’d say yes shut the fuck up.

“ I’m also pretty sure as a thirty-eight year-old white guy, I can’t possibly understand all the angles from which your viewpoint is informed, so in general I try to just read with an open mind.”

He walked with MLK for gods sake.

Come on, it’s really tough for hockey fans to breath when their mouths are wired shut!

Oh bother.

If people had taken this approach right from jump, there would’ve been so much less tired bitching about, well, pretty much everything that could even be critiqued in the slightest, let alone genuinely questionable things like the Vaughn/Kitsch weak performances in the early episodes or the dialogue (which, uhhhh, was

They can’t all be keyboard finger strength champions like you.

Nope, screw “mouth feel,” aspartame tastes gross. Grody gross gross gross.

Christmas Vacation is a better movie than Family Vacation.

Calls to the U.S. are not expensive. She just doesn’t want to talk to you.

You should go use Canada’s superior healthcare system to cure that butthurt.

Never thought I’d see the day when he let something come between “Me” and the “O”.

you are a garbage person that hates joy

I can only enjoy a comedy if I want to bang the lead.

Amy Schumer falls into the sometimes hot / sometimes not category where I find Emma Stone and Anna Kendrick. Just something about that face. It reminds me of Miss Piggy from the Muppets movies I used to watch as a kid.

This is so bonkers. You pretty much throw sincerity out the window when you end a statement with #yourname. Polygraphs are totally unreliable.