
Yeah but lets ignore that Peyton Manning scored a 28 and Dan Marino scored an 15. I mean if you want to judge someone's intelligence based off the wonderlic test that's up to you, but personally I don't really think it is a very consistent or good metric to gauge someone's intelligence. Besides Sherman pulled a 4.0

I've come to think he's got a little social anxiety issue going on, where he's uncomfortable in front of strangers. He's doing his best to deal with it, and his teammates clearly have his back, but it'd be nice to see the media help him out a bit. Ask 3 simple questions and move along. It's no fun to try to play

Yay golf season. go niners!!

Goddamn. Joseph Randle just can't catch a break.

Saw your tweet. "Just took a dude out." So gay.

This is stupid. It's really not deep. I didn't ask him a question he was never going to answer because I didn't care all that much. If you read that profile on this website and think someone's trying to protect Jones, you either don't read Deadspin or don't read well.

That would explain how Randy Johnson made it in. He's always been a big lefty.

If there is one group of people that have been consistently, violently, and systemically discriminated against in the US, it's Christian, conservative, wealthy, middle-aged white men. Since Curt can't count himself among this group, he's probably full of shit.

Agreed. GateGate is out of control.

You really showed him. Greg will read that and seriously think about things going forward.

be honest, you didn't read the article did you? Howard flat-out calls Jones a liar, hypocrite and fake. He goes into detail on a story giving his number to waitresses and asked him point blank about his leaked snapchat with another woman.

Scott was "using language that most of the audience didn't understand, and it had to stop," Olbermann recalled the executive as saying.

Speaking of people who don't even bother to survey the situation before passing, the Jets also need a quarterback.

Is he cherry-picking random nonsense from Wikipedia to support his strawman argument? Yes!

I once had a class in college with a dude who managed to graduate high school and get into college and had no idea what the fucking Equator was.

Here he is the night before...

After reading these comments, I found that most were complimentary, but some of the readers simply could not get past what I did eleven years ago. Being white, college-educated and having a platform from which to express my regret from, I think that I am about as 'forgivable' an ex-con as can be. But they still

Why can't he legitimately be called a pacifist? Does every past behavior define who we are at any given moment? It may have made us who we are, but people grow and change. Perhaps you're just too young to realize that. If I follow your logic then it means that all of the different beliefs I've held throughout my life

Yeah, black and white thinking with no regard for any details or contributing factors... that's the ticket. Some people are just scum for absolutely no reason and the most constructive way to handle it is to shit on them to make yourself feel better.