
Someone who calls out another person solely on their political leanings, so brave.

It's difficult to express how unimportant it is for the world to understand any of this.

But by all means, consider cutting the guy because he's a surly introvert.

This +1 did not come as a government handout; you pulled your bootstraps up and earned it.

Oh god. J-Rich is old?

I'm with you there. Pop is the dad at the restaurant who'll make a half-serious joke when a waiter screws something up and it'll be a little awkward but mostly all good afterward. Belichick will just mutter, "that's alright" after the server messes up, then excuse himself to go to the bathroom but is really looking

I always admired Pop, but when Pop was being interviewed by Craig Sager Jr and broke character to wish Sr a speedy recovery, I started to really like him. He's crusty and thinks the in-game interview is b.s., but he knows it's part of the game and it doesn't change his humanity.

He looks uncomfortable. The reporters should try to catch him in his hood.

Writing stuff in caps doesn't make it true, sorry.

Friend, if you legitimately want that shit, you need to distance yourself away from gamegate and create some new movement. At this point, things are so bad that if you say you're part of the movement, most sane people who know what it is are going to assume you are in league with the worst of your movement. When most

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.

What strikes me about the doxxing comment I saw was that it was posted as a weird, fucked up way of reassuring Felicia Day—their assertion was that the info was easy to find, so all her fears were silly. And it's just such ridiculous logic. Here's someone being vulnerable, and that's how you respond?

Club culture baffles the shit out of me. Why would anyone pay money to see 12 guys with mics on stage mumbling along to a terrible song? My guess: drugs. THEY'RE ALL ON BAGS OF DRUGS!!!

Gonna go ahead and give you a +2

Maybe if Dennis Farina learned how to hold his phone camera correctly he wouldn't be dead.

[hangs head in shame]

If you ask a Canadian, they'll tell you that everything in Canada is always -40 degrees.

The color of the line is what's most confusing to me, seeing as I'm pretty sure it's not even October up there.

Beast is a self-consciously primal London steak-and-crab restaurant, all ludicrously oversized tables and steaks and crab legs and prices, presented gravely as though in mourning of the fallen at Helm's Deep; a display of such over-the-top machismo that even Vladimir Putin rolls his eyes at it when he flies overhead

as rugby player, me take offense at facile comparison. me sense resentment. me know lots smart sensitive rugby players who also make hurt on pitch. some even vegans, so would not eat at Beast if you give them green spendy paper to do it. yarp.