You should strive to always take sides in the place that taking said side will be seen the most. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Staying quiet is staying ignored.
You should strive to always take sides in the place that taking said side will be seen the most. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Staying quiet is staying ignored.
It’s weird to live in a world where someone wants me to help make people feel comfortable about their shitty human rights destroying country...
oh, so I take it you were in the writer’s room at the time?
winner winner, chicken dinner
2 Things:
I think she is a fine musician and not the second coming of Jebus Cripes. *shrug*
I take it you don’t like funny people?
Whatever happened to the tried and true method of just calling everyone “student” or “idiot” like in my day? AKA: The tactic treachers used because they had a billions students and couldn’t be bothered to memorize all their names. Fun Fact: My dad, a retired teacher, was prone to just refer to students as “Hey you”…
I take it you were really under a deadline for handing in an article? And/or just a bit of a slow news day?
I feel like Twich’s sexual no-no guidlines are specifically aimed at women and their fashion. Like... as a dude if I wore a speedo on twitch, would they come at me as hard as they do women?
I laughed waaaaay to hard at that in my office...
Yes, a million times over you are correct. This is an issue close to my heart as I have lost someone from gun violence. We must constantly be talking about this subject for it to continue to have traction.
Maybe not, but talking about this issue constantly will get it addressed. Wheels need to keep squeaking in this country to get any attention at all in the loud overcrowded news cycle.
Listen, at least she’s fucking trying. And that’s the important thing. To constantly get this issue “air time” and speaking to government officials CONSTANTLY about it. Squeaky pissed off wheel and all that. As someone who had a girlfriend murdered with gun violence, I stand behind her attempts to start a dialogue…
Threethings, Annette Rohde from the beginning of this story sounds like just a shining beacon of horribleness. Also, that parrent taking photos can go fall off a bridge. On a positive note, way to go for the school district backing this teenager up as they should.
I’m gonna have to disagree on this being a bad horror movie. It was fine thank you very much. Nothing spectacular but just fine in the pantheon of horror films.
On the upside, she’ll have the last laugh as the world at large is never ever going to let this guy live down that reaction. Or any of his family members/siblings.
Although I’m not the biggest fan of Benioff and Weiss. That’s not a good comparison to Monique as those guys did just close out one of the biggest tv series in modern history.