
Here’s hoping she gets a new agent that will in fact demand/fight for her to get a higher salary. As in the entertainment industry, it comes down a lot to how much fighting your agent will do on your behalf.

Kind of a jerk move to intentially steal the thunder of the bride. Couldn’t she just have easily gone to a goodwill and picked out a dress?

As a person who lost a loved one in a mass shooting... fuuuuuuuccckkkkk this concept so much. And I’ll say, this is coming from someone who had chuckles during Chapelle’s latest comedy special bits about mass shootings. This show’s concept sounds fucking atrocious.

WAIT! You got a response Rosa Parks and Ray Bradbury?!?!?! Holy crap.

Let’s all just take a minute and pause to think of how horrible an actress Stewart is and that girlfriend not withstanding, let’s hope she doesn’t get involved in a Marvel anything. Please and thank you...


Hi All. I’m someone who lost a loved one at Sandy Hook in 2012 and I’ll tell you: There’s a political party in our country that decided a long time ago that because dead bodies can’t write checks for their campaigns, they don’t giving a flying fig what anyone says. Money for some is greatly than even attempting to

By shittiness to women, I assume you mean period accurate to them? ZING!!! (I’ll show myself out...)

correct, he just sort of drools...

Counterpoint: Maybe he’s just aware of the internet and has decided hover hands at all times is the easiest way to not get accused in the future of being creepy in any way.

For the most part, when I go to the movies, I go to be entertained. Hence why I’ve for the most part be a big fan of the popcorn blockbuster flicks. I get enough crap in real life already  to not want to be faced with it on a giant screen in a dark room that I payed for...

This is a co-production between HBO and SKY, a British premium channel. So just get over the British accent thing and watch it. It’s great and the accent thing isn’t going tot bother you after about 30 seconds.

Reading this made me so angry I almost had an aneurysm...

Reading this made me so angry I almost had an aneurysm...

In the end. Hindsight is 20/20 and no one knows how they’ll act in a situation until they’re faced with it. Good on Waithe for taking ownership of her part.

You should read his comic series: Locke and Key. It’s quite good an imaginative.

“Nobody. I’m Indiana Jones. When he’s gone, I’m gone,”

Is now the year MTV decides to take out the M from it’s name and just I dont know, call it like, “Young People TV” or some such?

I contend that no one knows what “Toxic Masculinity” means as it is a phrase prone to the weight of opinions of those throwing it around.

What a time to be alive when there are pretty people making well produced videos in great costumes of characters I know.