
If I were him, I’d have bought the hotel the next day and turned it into a fricken for-pay parking lot. But I’m a petty a-hole and this man is much nicer then I.

The Keye and Peele episode is awesome too

...descend upon the tony island of Mykonos, Greece

fuckin a-MEN. Well said.

I feel like, if you’re a company known for a MOBA, isn’t it kind of nonnegotiable that you’ve played MOBAs before? Its like, if you work for Wizards of the Coast, shouldn’t it be a requirement that you’ve done some card gaming playing or RPG playing in your spare time?

Maybe you had to be there?

I feel like it’s a bit disingenuous to lump Aziz into the same awful group as everyone else you mentioned...

I’m disappointed this story isn’t about the greatest Horse Girl of them all.

The best thing that ever happened to SEGA is them deciding to get out of the console business and just make/release games.

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No really. Mother Teresa truly was, a HORRIBLE person. Here, watch this

As a collector of 1980s arcade periphenalia myself (Marquees, Bezels etc). I know what you’re talking about. Collectable-ness comes from Age + Rarity + Grown Up Kids. And I’m now as an arcade enthusiast starting to see a lot of the early 90s era stuff getting pricey. And i think that has to do with the kids from that

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Honestly? Never. Because when someone dies in a truly horrific way. You just sort forget everything bad about them. As an example. We don’t talk much these days about how much of a blatant racist Ghandi was. Luckily, Penn and Teller are here to tell you all about it. Also, Mother Teresa was a shitbag too.

That’s a version of homicide detective Joe Kenda’s famous quote of

The woman in the header image intimidates the hell out of me. Seriously, I would not want to be on her bad side.

Agreed on all accounts. This is probably one of the most nuanced films I’ve ever seen. And it benefits from rewatching after you’ve discussed the film with others and can see it in a new light of knowing how things turn out for Cass.

Have you listened to some of his music? I’ve become a huge fan after having seen the film.

In regards to her getting the pass for the white voice. I viewed that as the point of it. She was being hypocritical to Cassius using his earlier, when you find out later, she has one of her own that she does with as she pleases. BUT that’s one of many great things about this film. You should rewatch it in another

Sorry to Bother You is one of my favorite films yet this year. I never knew who Boots was until a friend invited me to go to a screening of this at the Alamo Draft House. Now I’m hooked on all things Boots. Have you listened to any of his music? Holy shit. As such, I took Detroit and all the other characters in the

a star for your efforts!