
Maybe she thinks it will detract from those giant caterpillar eyebrows?

Hope is the Nega-Kerri...

Two things:

Then congratulations to you on being in the small % of nerd-sphere humans that don’t know what a Black Lotus from Magic the Gathering is?

I hope she ate bad sushi somewhere else and got the shits for the whole day.

This is great. I really wish I was as business minded as this kid at that age. I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw him on an episode of some Food channel show years from now.

I hope that guy rots in jail for the rest of his life

Hopefully so. Or I’ll fuckin explode.

Last New York Comic Con, he came striding by the attendee admission line, just to say hello. He took a couple photos with people, signed a couple things, loudly exclaimed “I love you guys!” and walked off into the metaphorical sunset. All to loud cheers and “woooo!”s


That’s great and all. But she better have more then just those 2 issues to campaign on once the “real” fight comes in November. Then it’ll be tooth and nail and I want to see her fighting with every fiber of her being to win that seat.

When I read the phrase “Nonbinanry” in an article, I always feel like im trapped in the Matrix and we’re all just 0s and 1s...

You should look up who Dykstra’s father is. There’s no way in hell anything someone says about her is going to ruin her career. Papa Dykstra has been a behind the scenes Hollywood guy since his first gigs working on the original Star Wars trilogy.

It’s the internet. You’re a santic demon until proven not. And even then, your persona always has a lovely stain left on it. Welcome to the new millennium! Wooooo!

I just want to say, I think she’s freakin gorgeous. That is all.

This is very very VERY sad news. He was so damn funny. I laughed myself to tears and stomach aches so many times watching his videos. Loved his work with the Yogcast guys too. He’ll be incredibly missed among the gaming community.

In Kathy Griffin’s defense. She’s super into defending everyone and anything these days after the whole bru-ha-ha surrounding her last year.

So first I just wanna say, as a white dude, i apologize to the rest of the internet world for Arbour. She’s kind of a worse version of Youtube’s Jenna Marbles. Which is saying a lot, as Marbles is quite annoying and grating on my well being/sanity. But my own personal silver lining is at least this time, it was a

Good. She made the only DC movie I like.

My only thought upon seeing this article headline “Wow, that sure is one hell of a large forehead...”