*shrug* I liked Bright quite a lot. Felt like an 80s/early 90s action genre movie and that’s all I wanted from it.
*shrug* I liked Bright quite a lot. Felt like an 80s/early 90s action genre movie and that’s all I wanted from it.
And for those 2 and a half hours the film will also let you know that you’re dumb for liking any of the mythos of the previous films.
I would have preferred a warning of how “un” Star Wars this movie was going to be. With a nice title change like “Star Wars: The Wasted Potential” or “Star Wars: Fans Fuck Off” or “Star Wars: Don’t Bother Watching the Last One, it’s Meaningless Now” Granted, that last title may be long winded a bit.
I’m quite strongly disappointing with this entry in the franchise. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until yesterday when I read another commenters post.
So this is a movie length version of the episode of season 1 “Master of None” where Aziz covered the subject of being an Indian actor in hollywood?
damn that dude has a big forehead...
The internet is poisonous to comedians and comedy on the whole.
*shrug* whatever, I could care less either way. I remember doing scouts until i was like either 12 or 13. Then deciding girls were more interesting and that I wanted to devote my time to attempting to get my first kiss from one and also playing Magic the Gathering. And as a newly minted pubescent kid, I only had the…
Rock wasn’t wrong though ,was the point.
For all the talk of the younger generation being a bunch of “Snow Flakes” we’re really just a bunch of people raised to see the value in EVERYONE. Ya know? Probably the first generation raised on “inclusion of all” being a strong principal of our education.
I honestly could care less what a writer has down below or what they look like. Just make with the funny and provide me lots of chuckles.
UGH! Screw Windwaker. I hate that game so much. The art style repulsed me so damn much. :(
As a white dude in the subburbs... it’s really that white people in god damned subburbs voted for the mighty orange one... sorry about that, I really did try to convince my fellow white subburbs people to not do that. :(
I will say, we’ve all been there. Where either someone we know chose their new significant other over us. OR we were the one choosing the significant other over friends/family. And it’s fucked up, because it’s been my experience on either side of that coin. That it usually does pan out well. Because usually, the…
The droids belong to the Organa family. Hence why they’re at the base to begin with as Bale Organa is there. And so obviously nearby Leia.
I was with a group of friends watching Rogue One last weekend and i swear, every death hit my group hard, we were all misty eyed like the sun was in our eyes.
The current internet theory on the “Jyn running on the beach” footage with the plans is that originally, her and casian had to get the plans in one one building and then traverse the beach to get to the tower to upload them. Thus, lots of extra beach footage being omitted from the final product. It’s also thought, at…
Oh man... you went there....
This person’s appearence confuses me. I....
It just seems really unfair that the rules are so one sided.