I fear for the pee and poo you’ll have to deal with when takling those on their way to the lu
I fear for the pee and poo you’ll have to deal with when takling those on their way to the lu
I hope he washes that thing...
Wait... she named her Goldie, as in Goldie Locks and three bears?
I think you mean Midwest Republican voters, as was pointed out eloquently in Orange is the New Black
Do you live in the Reality-TV version of Toon Town from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” or something? Because that’s what it sounds like... and I’m jealous.
*shrug* People get pissy when their flights are delayed in the already shitty system we have in this country known as “Air Travel”. In other news, water found to be wet.
Like Rick James said, just replace “Cocaine” with “Pussy” and it’s “Pussy is a hell of a drug!”
I know that two of the Digimon are Gina B Cosplay (The middle one) and to the right is her Boyfriend, Miggy but I don’t know his cosplay full name off the top of my head.
I would just like to say... Jebus FLIPPIN Cripes, Kaybear is drop dead gorgeous. I think she was the Mad Moxxi cosplayer I saw once sitting on a guy’s back as he did push ups.
It boils down to different strokes for different folks. I’m a chubby white guy who does EXCEEDINGLY better in the category of female attention when I’m abroad visiting friends in other countries. I honestly thing it has to do with America being more shallow and Hollywood centric in our preferences on looks in general.
I’m so positive I’m going to hate this unneeded remake of a comedy classic... up next on the remake bandwagon is Caddyshack I’m sure, staring Adam Sandler and Paul Blart...
Ahahahaahhaha. This is the best!
I loooooooved that game. The honest to god only reason I stopped playing was a friend at the time went and joined the Marines. And I’m a social butterfly, so any MMOs I play I need to have a real-life friend(s) in them with me or I get bummed and leave. Haha
They made one, it’s called “Age of Conan: The Hyborian Age” or something to that effect. I don’t know if that MMO is around still but it was awesome. The only time you met Conan in it was he set you on an epic quest line and he was the King sitting on his throne in one of the major cities. The game was a LOT of fun…
I LOVE Fury Road. I think it’s going to always be a classic to me. I’ll be an old old grandpa still watching it I think.
I would actually try this. As opposed to the other things i am, the pull of Pizza is TO strong...