
Poison Ivy, depending on the backstory version she gets, was decidedly not a bad person either until her accident. A lot of Batman’s rogues are quite good in the depth department on the whole I’d say.

I have such an amazing amount of nostalgia and emotional ache to play that game again these days. But any time I think about restarting my account, I remember that what I really loved, was playing with a certain group of friends in a specific guild. And that’s what I want. To be raiding again, in vanilla WoW days and

Plot Twist: Spider-Gwen’s Goblin is J. Jonah Jameson!!!!

Johari Osayi Idusuyi

My step mother who is now retired, used to teach in the Bronx and had kids take multiple swings at her throughout the years. Some city schools are so bad, there are cops in the halls at all times.

I’m just glad I’m not a teacher these days. They get crapped on by adults/parents and kids alike.

meh. I’m actually not a big fan of when artists decide to make statements using kid’s toys.


Return of the Jedi is my FAVORITE of the Star Wars films! I LOVE it! Partially because it features one of my favorite scenes in any film ever made. That of the entire speeder bike pursuit. God, I love it so much I chose to be a biker scout for the 501st!

I actually just started playing this game a week ago. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. I like Diablo style games and as a huge fan of Star Wars, it was a good fit for my downtime at work etc. I like the aspect of fighting against the Empire in the assault missions once a week too.

Me: (fed up) No, we’re an alligator and party hat place, and today we’re giving away KAZOOOOOS!

Winner winner, chicken dinner

He was a treasure, that man of myth.

HOLY SHIT that last story about the burger eating “Vegetarian”, fucking seriously?????

Lord Diesel of the wastes is displeased with Perry’s insolence.

Just you know, watch out you don’t get a nasty case of pink eye because they it’ll spread and kill everyone in the camp! lolol

I’ve got an equal number of male/female friends in their 20s and early 30s. I’d actually say, more of my female friends play video games these days then male friends. I don’t honestly know why that is. And all sorts of games too. One lady in particular has become my Smash Brothers nemesis...

No, they’re not the only Dev capable of making MMOs but they certainly have killed off a ton. There was a time, pre-WoW when smaller MMOs would come out and over time grow into bigger communities. I don’t think WoW being as big as it is, is a healthy thing for the MMO genre. It is the Barnes & Noble that kills off the

Does the amount of European guilds taking down the last boss compared to American ones mean that we Americans have genuinely started to stop giving fucks about WoW as compared to the rest of the world? And if so, does that mean this MMO will soon, hopefully die off so we can get more MMOs to play like in the era PRE