
I’ve done my fair share of first or second date “Hike-Date” adventures. But I’ve always done them on hikes I know well and that are popular destinations so that there are plenty through-hikers. These people just sound like average dumb asses to me. Did they even bring the proper amoutn of water with them? Snacks?

Lita was the fucking BOMB back in the dizay!!!

You’ve already preordered one? What was your source?

I would bet GOOD money on the theory that SHE was the “other woman” while he was abroad and the whole time keeping up a relationship with the woman back home. This lady was sadly his “side piece” if you will.

Welcome to the world PC MMO players have been dealing with for DECADES now sinse the dawn of Ultima Online. Just suck it up and deal with it.

Sweet! Do you know if you buy him as all the Constructicons or as seperate bots?

MORE IMPORTANTLY: When can I get my hands on that Devastator? When does HE come out? I must have him alongside my awesome $100 Soundwave and Megatrons I bought a while ago...

Glad I’m not the only one to notice either!

It weirded me out so damn much! Glad I’m not the only one to notice either!

Adam Sandler is Superman now? I’m confused...

Here’s hoping with 3 months to go till release that they can un-gamify the amount of pop ups. Those kind of things alla Achievements/trophies have always bugged me in other games.

Ya know... Maggie from like day 1 when I saw her in Donnie Darko has always looked to be about 48 years old. I bet when she was a little kid she had one of those weird old person faces that kids have some times. And I’m not saying she’s ugly. She just always seemed much older then her actual age to me... maybe she’s a

ah! Thanks

I um, don’t get it. Also, whats with the gloves on the kid’s hands?

I both HATED AQ40 man and loved it at the same time. My guild “Blessing” on the Lothar server is one of the few guilds to have killed everything in AQ40 including the stupid damn slime boss. C’thun was so damn insane and fun. AQ20 man was pretty dang fun too haha

I dunno, I call bullshit on “studies” that don’t include links to scientific articles. I’m cool though if the trans woman wants to compete in mens UFC

“Fuck your tea kettle warmer,”

I got a lot of practice with this in my high school days. Sure payed off later in life. I’ve never heard and complaints from partners. I think a lot of my fellow guys would agree that it’s a point of pride if you’re a pro-level finger man

I have a slight suspicion that he suffers from a weird case of mouth diarrhea. That’s where, you just vomit out whatever random shit pops up in your mouth. And you just keep saying weirder and weirder shit.

Jeez yo. I’m not their biggest fan either but I wouldn’t go as far as saying the smell of the place is horrid. Yikes!