Are you saying that you don’t think a 7 year-old is able to put together sentences like “I didn’t sleep since yesterday. I am hungry. I don’t want to die.”
Are you saying that you don’t think a 7 year-old is able to put together sentences like “I didn’t sleep since yesterday. I am hungry. I don’t want to die.”
But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.
Ha! I call them “Newport Beach Housewives” since I used to see them all the time around Fashion Island. I’m just jealous since it’s been my life’s goal to be an overly-gymed Newport Beach Housewife. I’ve been failing miserably at it. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m not making myself available enough or if it’s…
I opened this article and the decided not to read it because ew (but I super love you, Anna) but I’m just stopping into say fuck you to Ivanka.
In my day we did coke like ladies.
Also, why do these people, WHO DON’T KNOW ME, care so goddamn much about my occasional pizza selection. Let a bitch live, damn.
I’m an independent in 100% democrat this year. Fuck these clowns.
Strangely, I had a neighbor in my small cottage-style apartment complex claim she was robbed of her Lladros. She was def a whack job, so I just gave an, “oh, really”. Several months later I could hear this woman arguing with another neighbor and then blurts out, “I bet you were the own that stole my Lladros”. I don’t…
The scarier thing is there is a“Today Show” sticker pack.
I honestly sometimes wonder how much of the conversation around her she understands - her English isn’t great, and I know I personally sometimes lose the thread if people around me are speaking Spanish and I zone out for a sec. I wonder if that’s just her “shit, I’m lost, just keep smiling” face.
They need to let her go in the worst way. I don’t get it after they’ve been called multiple times on the carpet for it. That shit ain’t cute.
She’s also in a fight with my friend on facebook at the moment and its glorious!
Legally Bland
I get that this kid was preyed upon… But his “all older gay men are frightening pedophiles you need to stay away from” is really horrible.
Legal doesn’t mean it’s not predatory.
The standing directly behind her thing was interesting, too. He’s trying so desperately be intimidating.
He’s using laid off as an adjective, not a verb. The second sentence is a fragment that follows from the first — he’s spent time with grieving mothers, laid-off workers, and people from all walks of life.
Yes, all of this. +1000 stars for you.
This man clearly doesn’t want to be President. He’s simply not the kind of person who would care to do his job at all. At this point I’m convinced he’s trolling for attention and in his heart he knows he doesn’t give a shit about the Oval Office, and will either drop out soon or knows he will not win. He’s just having…