
Christ, these journalists are just falling over themselves to defend SHS, latching onto a throwaway joke about eyeshadow in their eagerness to keep their places at the Trump feeding trough.

And so screamed the entirety of the gay bar I went to tonight simultaneously.

I found that alcohol enhances any mood you are in. If you are happy and you drink you will be more happy. If you are sad you will get more sad and if you are angry or have a chip on your shoulder you will get mean. So I drink only when I feel great.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Explain your gibberish.

What the fuck

And the internet reacts, “Well... duh!”

Because what Aziz did is not bad faith behavior but rather the persistence of any horny individual. While it is no longer offered as advice now, women were once told to play hard to get. I only graduated from college this decade and that was advice girlfriends swore by in early days of relationships. They did not act

Nothing has totally erased this. The issue is this encounter, where the woman willingly gave Aziz not one but two blowjobs, was a bad date, and now a fringe group wants to lump this in with the #metoo movement. When she finally verbalized to him she was uncomfortable, he immediately called her a cab.

It sounds pretty much how I’d assume Aziz would be as a lover -awkward and clueless, yet overconfident. I feel bad it sucked for her, but hopefully Aziz will learn from this. Which I believe that he will.

She didn’t say no until the very end, though. At which point he stopped trying. And, yes, he was pressuring her into sex the whole time, not coercing her into sex. People seem to not realize that coercion involves force or threats.

Now playing

Is this a generational divide type deal?

Every time she expressed hesitation or said she wasn’t comfortable with something, he stopped. She doesn’t try to leave until the end and he doesn’t stop her. Instead he calls her an Uber. Also, she’s a grown adult too and doesn’t seem like she was forced into anything. Being inconsiderate is not the same thing as

There some parts to the story that show these two people were on two completely different wavelengths and had a lot of misunderstandings. At one point, she sits on the floor in front of him and says she wanted him to play with her hair. She says he thought she wanted to reciprocate oral sex after he already performed

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

I will never accept those who can turn away people who have made lives in this country after needing help so badly. Not because I don’t understand them... but because I cannot agree with their philosophy. There is a fundamental dissonance between their concept of right and wrong and mine. I could understand if we

She looked great, overall, right up until the astonishingly bad animation after she’s shot.

I have to agree with some of the criticisms, re: presentation that you’re getting here. While it’s super interesting to follow what you’re doing, and I full-well understand that you’re using Kotaku to promote your YouTube series—because, let’s be honest: this is a YT series being advertised through Kotaku—the fact

raise your hand if you’re completely, totally, 100% OVER chris pratt.