
I also had a date that wanted me to cum on his face. I had an intense orgasm and a forceful ejaculation that shot him right in the eye. It was red and inflamed for two days.

My date farted while I was rimming him. He was mortified. I died from laughter and then resumed shortly after collecting myself.

I am sure someone else has pointed this out already, but we still tip 20% in these states that pay their servers minimum wage. It didn't eliminate tipping.

3 for 27 is pretty bad, but not as bad as the 1/30 I was hitting with my most recent ex. I pointed out the issue in December, been dealing with it silently before then, come March there was no change. Axed his ass. Getting it 3-4x a week now AND I'm single. You do you, Husband. Sex once a month is a sexless

Don't forget that he basically stole this cat from one of his young boyfriends who entrusted her to him to watch over a weekend or some such, and he was like no I am keeping her when he came back to pick her up.

He was flaccid for the initial set of photos, and now they want additional ones of him fully erect.

31 one old millennial here. We're right on the border.

Talk to your teens about watersports.

It is the self portrait of Anselm Feuerbach.

Yay, I am a 6.5" x 6". I have the ideal (by average) penis according to this study!

Regardless, I'd let him fuck me silly. That man is HOT.

I know Maureen's pain as a pot lightweight. It was late at night and the party was dying down when the hosts brought out the brownies. Huge brownies that looked fluffy and soft and chewy and good. We were all told they used a lot of sativa to make the green butter. I was completely drunk and hungry, and while I know I

I came just to comment about the physics of her breasts being way off. They "bounce" (more like slosh) around like plastic shopping bag full of water! Every time I see the ending I can't help but focus on it and it ruins it a little for me.

not all women!

Invest in shorter cycling shorts and let us all enjoy your legs.

This eliminates any rationality for making clothes that look like this. He may as well be unemployed.

I'll take this one. I am into daddy muscle bears, and he's only 33?! He looks like he'd be a good top in bed, the type that will spit on your hole rather than use lube.

I looked this up as well. He makes clothes to sell to people attending Burning Man. (My educated guess after seeing the word "playa" modify the word "pants", glow in the dark shirts, and raver fur hooded vests.)

Attractive gay men have more character. These guys all look generic and boring. I think it's their make-up.

Brooklyn Bro is also the Portland Bro and Seattle Bro.