Wow, you've really pissed off a lot of trolls. I am surprised you haven't told them to Bye Felicia! after you tell them to kill themselves. Maybe try telling them to go die in a car fire. :)
Wow, you've really pissed off a lot of trolls. I am surprised you haven't told them to Bye Felicia! after you tell them to kill themselves. Maybe try telling them to go die in a car fire. :)
I don't sext using the word 'penis' when referring to male anatomy, so this seems normal to me. The words penis and vagina are too clinical to be sexy. Suck my erect penis vs suck my hard cock. Stimulate my vagina with your tongue vs eat my wet pussy. Hmm, which sounds hotter?
Thank you, I did. I feel a lot better about myself.
As a US gay man, I will admit that my entire underwear collection is nothing but bright fashion briefs, boxer briefs, jockstraps, and "sexy" wear (sheer mesh trunks, ass-less briefs, and an ass-less brief where the front hooks over the penis and scrotum). I have over 30 pairs, and use them as my "everyday" underwear.…
My boyfriend only wants sex once or twice a month, I don't know what to do. We've had blow ups about this once a month for the past four months. We have an extremely strong emotional connection but sexually it's not there, and I am unhappy about it.
I don't think your SAT score shows up on a background check? I don't think an employer has any means of verifying your SAT score easily. I'd just lie.
Right there with you! After I graduated high school I went to my local community college and completed my associate degree. Then I transferred into a university to complete my BA. The community college didn't ask for SAT/ACT scores, and the university didn't ask for them either as my 2 year diploma, credits, and GPA…
Just change the verbiage from "unlimited" to a number that would, for intended purposes, be unlimited.
Awww, kitty dino! He really does look like an adorable t-rex.
I work downtown Seattle. There are 3 Starbucks in my building, and 10 across the street in every which direction. That's just the Starbucks!
Sounds like a hellscape even now. It'll be deserted the very instant the Olympics finish.
Maybe gay men take better care of their genitals, but I've yet to encounter a bad smelling male crotch. I love the way my boyfriend's smells and it always smells the same whether it's clean or in bed the next morning. It's a light smell, not musky, pleasant, that smells like him. It's comforting and sexy at the same…
To be honest, it's really time to take that baby down to just one boob a day.
Hahahaha, exactly. Fuck eastern Washington!
I read the whole thing and it sounds awesome to use.
Children ruin social lives. Enough said. This is the reality of being a parent. I warn all my married childless friends to kiss their social lives goodbye once they become pregnant. Nobody wants to be around that except for other miserable parents. 9 months minimum of no alcohol, even more if you're breastfeeding…
His body language is awkward. He is holding his own hands like he is afraid to touch her / doesn't want to touch her. Seems forced.
His beard is much more refined and gentlemanly (and handsome.) Harry's is just kinda scruffy and patchy. Not to say Harry's looks bad, but very different styles and not sure it suits him as nicely as it does Prince Michael.
Ugh, Prince Michael is so sexy for 72.