
I came here for the popcorn scene. Where’s my popcorn scene dammit?

It’s a chemical laser but in solid, not gaseous, form. Put simply, in deference to you, Kent, it’s like lasing a stick of dynamite. As soon as we apply a field, we couple to a state that is radiatively coupled to the ground state. I figure we can extract at least ten to the twenty-first photons per cubic

It’s about time.

Arrow has really fallen off, but goodness, Arrow S2 was amazing as shit. Good luck to Titans trying to come anywhere near as good as Arrow's Deathstroke

SHIELD’s been pretty good for avoiding wheel spinning and idiot plots.

By the numbers, China owns 5% of the company and represent about 13% of their total revenue. The US represents nearly half of Blizzard-Activision’s revenue while Europe represents about a quarter.

Oh man, that would have been amazing. Anthony Hopkins is good, but he’s so obviously not Zorro. Julia absolutely is.

It’s so hard for me to get on board with Addams Family reboots. Raul Julia so encapsulated Gomez, and the rest of the casting was about perfect, too. It’s hard to pull something like that off once, let alone twice, and the quality to me has not reached the level of those films.

I just feel it’s kinda mean getting called a misogynist if I don’t enjoy wooden terrible acting, but you know whatevs.

Read the recent Vanity Fair profile.

So you’re saying... Better Call Saul is secretly an adaptation of a Harley Quinn storyline?

It’s like the Sandman fights all over again.

All this discussion of Morrison’s writing on Arkham Asylum, and not a single mention of the absolutely groundbreaking artwork by Dave McKean?

Maybe has to do with the fact that both Morrison and McKean would fit right in in the Asylum ^^

that entire book is a proper villain ^^

I can’t find the clip right now, but I saw one time at a Q&A at a Con, someone asked Baker for tips on getting into voice acting.

He gave this whole speech on getting the best microphone you can find, then just constantly practicing through reading books to yourself and recording them and playing them back and things

Ross was such a dipshit but Schwimmer was the best physical comedian in that cast, and watching him move is the highlight of many episodes.

I’d say that Ross wasn’t really all that bad, especially for the time. The really lousy part is that it was considered sort of inherently funny that Ross’s wife would leave him for a woman. He wasn’t the problem, everyone else was. If any character on Friends stands out for their homophobia it’s probably Chandler. 

The gay panic jokes were Joey and Chandler and it was 1994.

AV Club. Don’t question. Just be assimilated 

How is Monica having sex with a dude because he says his dick doesn’t work a consent issue?