
Marvin Suggs is really taking his game up a notch these days.

Thanks! Common Sense Media is a big help, generally. Ages 8-10, I’m thinking it’ll probably be OK. I’m excited for them to see it.

Sure, sure.  Or you could just not be wrong next time.  I tried to give you at least partial credit, though, so sue me.  

Funny joke in concept, but your choice of Naboo was poor, since most of that was actually filmed in real places.

Ewoks sang first.

Does Disney have the rights to The Muppet Show? If so, could they just put that on Disney+? I’d love to see ’70s-era stars hamming it up on a variety show. Plus, PIIIIIIIIIIGS IN SPAAAAAAAAACE!

I have a friend who regularly saves drunk weekend tubers after they’ve floated downstream and into the Arizona desert. One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot. You can’t make this stuff up.

The important thing is that you took the time to comment. 

I recently rewatched the whole series, and I didn’t think Phantom Menace was that bad. Attack of the Clones is so much worse. The outdated CGI is way overused compared to Phantom Menace, which relied on a surprising amount of practical effects. Anakin comes off as such an unlikable creep. Padme is rightfully turned

Yet it’s still the best SW prequel. 

All sort of things cropping up at the last moment?

We need Lego Tom Selleck now so he can annoy Lego Chandler 

could it BE any more smug?

A cool but hidden feature of the set is that if you put the Ross minifigure next to the Rachel minifigure, it will scream, “WE WERE ON A BRICK!”

The paralegal who wrote up the contracts listed Free Solo by accident. 

Weird to see The Simpsons on that list.

While we’re on the subject...

Everyone that I know has seen their wages substantially increase in the last ten years. I made 65k in 2009 and will make 134k this year.

I always bring up John Lennon... Admitted wife abuser and general all around shitty person, but gets a pass

Well, at least we know where Cave Johnson was working in the 50s and 60s...