This makes me think that the showrunners of Legends of Tomorrow just duct-taped all of the other showrunners together, threw them in a van, and threw that van off a cliff.
This makes me think that the showrunners of Legends of Tomorrow just duct-taped all of the other showrunners together, threw them in a van, and threw that van off a cliff.
I’m exhausted.
And it had one hell of a helmsman during its final days.
Ok Evil Overlord list question. Why can’t Russia just send up a woman to the moon to then beat the Americans to the punch if they already have the resources to send anyone up?
“In our reality, the United States was the first country to allegedly put a man on the moon.”
Technically that should read “in our reality, the United States is the only country to have put a man on the moon.”
Or they’ll reveal the Oracle and the Architect are actually the Machine and Samaritan :-D
My slightly off topic $00.02, Star Wars needs to remember it’s set across a galaxy again.
Maybe we’ll get them in The Mandalorian. It seems like the perfect show for less...reputable Jedi/Force users to appear.
Give the film to Luna/Reyes then. He’s too good to go to waste like this
Start the Marvel Knights series already! It’s time the MCU went further into scarier territory. The next Doctor Strange and Blade are good steps so continue with Ghost rider...proper Ghost Rider.
Yeah, my immediate reaction to this was that we’re getting a Ghost Rider something set explicitly in the MCU in Phase 5 or 6.
Well this lends credibility that Ghost Rider is on Kevin Feige short list of future movies...
Ellie had kids, but they were with someone else I believe.
At least JW1 made the token effort at an explanation: the security teams had non-lethal weapons so as not to kill the attractions and the helicopter with guns got destroyed.
Did InGen or whoever make the dinosaurs bulletproof?
Hopefully they can actually get a script for the movie this time, unlike Jurassic World 2.
I missed a crucial “with” in the first sentence & I was thoroughly confused.
Ooh! A movie I did actual work on is on io9! That’s pretty cool.
Weirdly, no one was shot during the opening nights of Batman v Superman, Justice League, Suicide Squad, or The LEGO Batman Movie - all movies that also feature Batman (the last two also feature the Joker).