Aww man I didn’t even know about this. Now I’m extra bummed.
Aww man I didn’t even know about this. Now I’m extra bummed.
I think I would be ok at $30. It’s still a lot for a game I own twice over and came out in 2011...but it has all the DLC bundled, good (I hear at least) motion controls for bow and arrow, and it’s portable!
I think I would be ok at $30. It’s still a lot for a game I own twice over and came out in 2011...but it has all the…
My kid is still a little too young to join in on the fun but I sincerely look forward to that day. I have a whole stack of games I’m dying to experiance with her!
Isn’t this coming to the Switch?
I envy gamers that have time to sink hours into an RPG. In my teens and even late 20’s I could beat a 100 hour RPG in less than a few weeks.
Yeah I can second the issues. I bought a set about 2 weeks ago on Amazon...worked great for the first week and now they won’t sync up together. The audio plays on a small delay between the right and left ear piece.
Yeah I can second the issues. I bought a set about 2 weeks ago on Amazon...worked great for the first week and now…
*nervous laugh*Haha yes...look past the paint job...
*nervous laugh*Haha yes...look past the paint job...
I completely agree with you. People might balk at the idea of buying a online shooter for the single player, but it’s legitimately one of the best FPS campaigns ever made.
I completely agree with you. People might balk at the idea of buying a online shooter for the single player, but…
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it didn’t sell well.
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it…
>Tell me again what these people will bring to the table?
Maybe I’m part of the problem, but I really like all these games being ported to the Switch. I absolutely love the system and haven’t played most of these Wii U games. I finally get to experience stuff like Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, and Bayonetta 2. Plus I just find it so neat that I can play Dark Souls and…
That’s like saying “The last dozen guys that tried to make a flying vehicle failed! What makes these Wright Brothers any different?”
Probably because it is? In Japan the iPhone sells well into the millions. But beyond that, this is a common trend. Many companies make accessories that target only the iPhone or Galaxy S line because they have guaranteed install bases in the millions. That’s easy money!
Jägs, that was such an excellent breakdown of the current state of tech. Everyone else feels compelled to “pick a side” like this is a sport, yet their blind to the fact that Google, Apple, and Microsoft all have their faults.
Dude is legitimately the video game dev equivalent Tommy Wiseau. Shouting incoherent nonsense, scaring the normals around him, made a terrible piece of entertainment...
Exclusives suck, but according to Platinum Bayonetta would be dead without Nintendo. So at least we’re getting sequels. Bayonetta 2 was even better than the first in my opinion.
Always happy to see Streets of Rage 2 get some love. It’s one of the best beat’em ups in the genre.
I’m sure you hear this 4-5 times a day’re an asshole. Sorry if I’m being too repetitive.
10 million is probably under selling it too. Nintendo’s rabid fanbase buy entire consoles just to play 1 or 2 games a month in some cases. I can’t imagine the insane sales of a Mario game on PC, Xbox, and PS4. It would probably surpass GTA5.