
Yep. It’s becoming the YouTube comment section over there!

OH my apologies Otis. I only said that because...well you’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen this posted on Reddit with someone saying “Yeah she looks good now but take a look at this!”

I never understood how this was a bad thing for Asians. You look fantastic for 50 odd years then you look old? OK? Sounds like a sweet deal to me! You know...the alternative is being just about any other race and looking old as shit at 35, right?

Is the timing really bad though? No one gives a poop about Angry Birds right now. A well written, perfectly cast movie is exactly what they need to inject renewed interest in the franchise.

Correct me if I'm wrong but... I think Angry Birds actually is a multi-billion dollar franchise.

Is is me or are all these blog post about the Apple TV not being the be-all-end-all of gaming, foisted upon Apple? I don’t recall them ever kicking down Sony or Microsoft’s door and saying “YO SUCK OUR DICKS BITCH! WE OWN GAMING NOW!”

Famitsu hasn’t been reliable since...uhhh...has Famitsu ever been reliable? Why did we ever hold their opinion in high regard again?

This is exactly what I’m talking about:

Office on Windows Phone was poop compared to the MUCH better iOS and Android version.

I think the bigger insult was Microsoft updating/releasing Office apps on iOS and Android before their own mobile platform.

Is it bad that I still don’t want one? Microsoft has done a fantastic job of making this system affordable and a great value. So I guess at this point I’ll just need to accept that the One is not for me.

Is it bad that I still don’t want one? Microsoft has done a fantastic job of making this system affordable and a

As someone that read a lot of the Extended Universe...this probably happened.

OH I have it on Steam, PS1 & 4, my god damn toaster...but now it’s mobile!

That feeling will probably only be worse when Final Fantasy VII hit’s the App Store this summer. The Android version also hitting at a vague “later date”.

Bethesda did mention they worked with Apple for this release. Who knows what that means though...

I feel like this is said every god damn year, but it looks true this time: The next Windows Phone update will change everything. They have a new easy ass way to port Android and iOS apps. And high end Windows Phones will scale from mobile to full-blown desktop PC’s. They look amazing!

Yeah I was really worried there for a second. This is literally the first thing on Xbox One that I was so bummed I was going to miss out on.

I’m surprised you even bothered to rationally respond.

Haha this is exactly the kind of bullshit argument the crazy conservatives try to make when they try to defend the “sanctity of marriage”

Read a few articles before bed I said. Catch up on the days events I said.