
As a nerdy tech geek, I basically feel like that. I work in IT so I usually have my laptop, smartphone, tablet, and smartwatch on me.

You say that like they’re supposed to talk about the other consoles/PC.

Keep fighting the good fight bud. I'm an Android/iOS user but I absolutely HATE how the industry seems to want a two horse race. Think of how much more exciting things would be with THREE popular mobile operating systems fighting for our money! Innovation would come at an even faster rate.

Keep fighting the good fight bud. I'm an Android/iOS user but I absolutely HATE how the industry seems to want a

Quick someone send this to Dan Ryckert so he can cry himself to sleep!

By that logic, Android would be the worst since 75% of the PLANET uses an Android smartphone (no seriously look it up).

KINECT for Xbox 360!

Same here Deckard. It always surprises me when people get upset that my wife and I discuss purchases before we make them. The argument is always "It's your/her money! Buy what you want!" In my humble opinion, that's not how successful relationships work. Treating your partner as an equal is really the only way to

Hey everybody look at the happy unmarried guy!

Screen clutter?! There's a second dingle darn screen!

Same here! And the nutty thing is I haven't actually spent a dime on games for the system. Between PS4 remote play and the constant stream of PS+ games released for the Vita; I hardly put it down.

But we DID get a Bioshock movie! It was called Snowpiercer.

MY BRAIN! How am I only hearing about this movie now?!

Forgive my ignorance, but as a fairly recent DotA player I'm not too familiar with why everyone hates LoL and it's players. What's the issue?

At least with the "new" iPad, Apple doesn't lock exclusive software to the device. And of all companies...I would expect them too. Its just runs current applications better.

I can beat that! Amazon Black Friday sale was INSANE for the Vita 2 years ago. I paid $180 for the Vita, Assassin's Creed, Playstation All-Stars, and 3 months of Plus.

Right on Mr. Noor. People will probably hate me for parenting like this, but I DO NOT want my kids wrapped up in the lives of Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus. I'm going to make my kids watch only what I deem appropriate (i.e. if it's been on's not allowed in my house) and play games that have some semblance

Dear Sid SpaceWalker,

Heads...explode. I had to take the movie off like 15 minutes in because it was a little too violent for my 8 year old nephew. I knew literally nothing about this movie and thought it was just a side story from the video game haha.

I might be in the minority here, but I thought MGS4 controlled really well. They perfectly melded stealth and third person shooter controls. One minute you're mowing down dudes, the next you're creeping across a battle field on your back.

Is the game really too easy? My friend stopped playing half way through because it offered zero challenge. He said the same thing about that Wii Paper Mario game too though (and he was right) but the writing was fantastic. What's the writing like in Sticker Star?