
No, he didn’t.

She had publicized the affair previously.  That was what was in very bad taste.  Rock didn’t improve it, be he certainly didn’t initiate it.

Or he could have done a sensitive interview about how upsetting the joke was. Or had his agent put out a press release saying that he was offended.

Over at Kotaku they scream any time some one brings up AI generated anything meanwhile half the articles at the AVClub feel like they were written by an algorithm

Chris never made fun of Jada’s “hair loss”. He compared her appearance, to G.I Jane. Pretty sure Jane didn’t have hair loss in that film. Seems you have more issues with his joke about her hair, than she did (all she did was rolled her eyes, Will laughed his ass off... before strutting his thing up on stage, to slap

You know it’s gonna be an all-timer when none of the writers want to attach their name to the article 

Yes, because making fun of one woman implies he’s making fun of all women.

Was this written by all of the staff? 

They hit their “we don’t like this and nobody else should either” point and just kinda stopped, yeah. They said what needed to be said (in their minds).

The slap is all on Will Smith. He could have done the sensible thing and have a chat with Rock afterwards that he would like him to apologize for what he said to his wife. 

It’s almost like the writers for this site are unfunny, untalented hacks. 

I saw him live a few weeks ago. A massive detail the AVClub is selectively leaving out, to maximize the outrage you’re supposed to feel, is that he’s pointing out that she cheated on him by sleeping with their teenage son’s friend, and then they took interviews about it as a family. The joke is Will Smith had to sit

It’s funny how you can tell the avclub is so terrified of finding something funny that someone somewhere might be offended by.

Nah. You’re just an unfunny, depressed loser. 

What reality do you live in? 

I’m a fan of AV Club’s ‘If you like this, you’re a bad person’ angle at the end.  But come on. “Don’t fight in front of white people” is genuinely good advice. I lol’ed at that.

That’s a shitty measure, though, because shows simply don’t run as many episodes as they used to, and let’s be real - a significant proportion of earlier Trek episodes were essentially filler, and only DS9 made particularly good use of those filler episodes. I say that having rewatched TNG and DS9 relatively recently.

“I think it caused trouble for my friends [at Valve], and made their lives harder.”

Why should they not? You obviously want a pat on the back and everyone’s endorsement for not buying a video game. Do you feel like you’ve accomplished something? Because last I checked none of this has done anything to affect Rowling. And even if the game has failed completely it still wouldn’t have.

I didn’t buy the game, but not buying the game isn’t going to do anything to stop legislation. You shouldn’t justify harassment, justifying harassment is what leads to people born into different situations creating legislation that acts to restrict the bodily autonomy of individuals.