
There is literally ONE person who is causing all of this, if you don’t realize that you are a fucking moron.

I’m a late-September kid. Youngest in my class, started kindergarten (half day back in ‘89) at 4. It wasn’t a setback but by college it was.

So does this mean seeing kids flossing in the middle of restaurants is finally going to stop?

And given that Stacey Dash has zero political knowledge/experience and is only a commentator because old Republican men like looking at boobs, that is truly a sick burn.

In the court filing, it says that after exposure to the mold years ago, Candice suffered an “inability to think clearly”...

a dumb Stacey Dash”

If the mother’s income is sufficient to cover all of the household needs, that’s absolutely true.

The father’s chosen profession, however, introduces another problem: Streaming, if it’s ever going to amount to a “career,” requires a pretty hellish schedule in terms of being “on” for viewers. The average denizen of the

This article is a masterclass in the idea that it’s entirely possible to feel two conflicting emotions about two parts of an event at once.

On the one hand, I really do think the donation was incredibly selfless and kind, and KingMascot definitely comes across as a genuinely good person. The world needs more like him.


Yeah.  I really want to feel good about the donation (and I do; it was a very nice move), but this--plus the fact that dude has a kid--is giving me pause.

There are thousands upon thousands of Fortnite streamers. You can keep plugging away at a full time streaming schedule all you want with your girlfriend working to support you and your kid but you’ll likely never turn it into a viable career. You’ll be among the 99.9% of streamers who never do...

He made bad life decisions and makes those around him pay for those decisions instead of growing up and getting a real career to support his family. Sad thing is people see this blog post as good.

“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son to protect and grow this money for their futures.”

“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son...”

Yo this is horseshit, get a real job to support your family you fucking scrub. You got lucky.

“I do not have a very high income,” Exotic Chaotic said. “My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son to protect and grow this money for their futures.”

career as a Fortnite streamer”

“girlfriend has worked full time to support my caree....” for fuck sake.

“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son...”

Yeah that’s gonna be a yikes from me.


I honestly would of RAN if this came at me.